Chapter 48

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"Are you coming to the spring tournament too?" asked Chika in the canteen, which the friends had entered again after a long time. "Why?" asked Kaede, not realizing that she had to be there. "When I see Kenma, I'd like to introduce him to you."

Kaede smiled slightly. Chika couldn't talk about Kenma without blushing. These two deserved to have a relationship. "It would be nice if you came." Megumi, who had just received her plate back, intervened.

"I don't know. Volleyball's not really my thing..." Kaede had actually mentioned this many times before. But she wanted to get to know this Kenma, as he would also have a small role as Ken in her novel. In connection with Cho, of course. For Megumi, Mei, Kaede had thought of someone like Atsumu. After all, he was one of the supporting roles that had to do with Kyoko.

"You said that you still needed a real male protagonist. Maybe you could find someone to inspire you." Chika thought about it, as Kaede had mentioned it several times recently. Dai, alias Daisuke, was not an option for her.

Of course, Kaede hadn't broken up with him yet. She saw no reason to, just because he had gone so crazy and toxic once. But Kaede couldn't see him in the main male character.

"Yes, that's true. But will I find anyone there?" asked Kaede, who had sat down on the bench. Volleyball and football were not the subject of her book. She had found something else for these two sports so that it was still not conspicuous. But she really had to read up on everything, which had really frayed her nerves.

"Who knows." Chika smiled and put the straw in the carton of her juice. "I mean, there are a lot of volleyball teams and therefore a loooooot of players. I'm sure you'd find someone."

Chika wasn't wrong. Kenma was also a pretty quiet person, so to speak, who was quite extroverted as Chika had told her. As well as getting good grades and playing volleyball, he also played a lot of video games. A young man who wasn't to be found everywhere.

"So the backpack thrower is supposed to come to the spring tournament?" intervened Atsumi, who had sat down next to Megumi of his own accord and had become slightly nervous. Had Kaede missed something?

"I'm thinking about not going because of you." Kaede said, glaring at the blonde-haired man. So this teasing started again, which had become quite normal for them. Interrupting the two of them was usually only an option for Kita.

"I'm the best-looking player here. So you have to watch me play very closely." Miya said with a grin, while Osamu could only shake his head slightly, which did not go unnoticed by Kaede.

Slowly, Kaede leaned forward at an angle. "Now that you mention it. A facial correction from a volleyball could really make you look better." came from the brown-haired girl, with Chika and some of the players almost spilling their drinks out of their mouths.

"Huuuh?" came from Atsumu, who had raised his eyebrow and his colder look appeared.

"Do you want me to shoot a ball in your face to make you shut up?" Atsumu asked coldly and slightly provocatively, to which Kaede didn't even respond, instead shoving her noodles into her mouth with her chopsticks.

"Listen to me, please!" scolded the player, causing Kaede to look up briefly with her mouth full. "Huh? Did you say something?" he asked, mumbling slightly, which made Osamu lower his head in amusement. This friendship of hate is really funnier than he thought.

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