Chapter 34

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With a little distance, Kaede watched her friends, who had behaved somewhat clumsily. Their faces were red with embarrassment, which was why she had realized that they were simply embarrassed. At least with the players who were after Kita. Kaede had asked him first if he would stand with them to be measured. With him, Kaede wasn't afraid that any funny comments would be made.

Aran was the second player who had made himself available, and Magumi had more than just respect for him. Perhaps it was also because he was the ace and had made an impression.

Her friends didn't have to be afraid of Osamu either, even if he could sometimes be like Atsumu. However, he had looked at Kaede, who had shown him with a mere glance that he should be nice. Good, Osamu knew what these girls were like. With both of them, he had seen how difficult they had it at school. Miya not only behaved nicely for Kaede, but didn't want to intimidate the shy girls any more than they already were.

And then came the problem child in this team. Atsumu Miya, who couldn't help behaving in a provocative and cool manner. You could see how uncomfortable Chika and Megumi had just been.

"You can't watch this..." muttered Kaede, who wanted to leave everything to the girls as far as the latest information was concerned.

"Nah? Can't you get up?" Atsumu asked the woman wearing glasses, who wasn't feeling well at all. She was grateful that he didn't badmouth her because of her glasses or her name, but her height was another matter. "I..well..."

"Could you pull yourself together for once?" Kaede asked the boy, who had turned to her with a grin. "Ohh, the backpack thrower is rushing to help." he said, which Kaede had begun to ignore.

"Says the one who doesn't see a volleyball flying towards you." Kaede replied with a little amusement. Atsumu's eyebrow twitched a little. "Has anyone ever told you that no flap is big?" he asked back.

"Hm...yes, I think so." Kaede pondered. "But I think it's okay with you." she smiled now. "Youuu...!"

"Breathe in and out deeply." intervened Osamu, who had to calm his brother down again. "You really can't let it go, can you?" "What can I do if she can't keep her mouth shut!"

"Says the one who provokes everyone." came from Kaede in a relaxed voice. "God, I'm glad you're not our manager!" Yeah, that probably wouldn't end so well. "It would be nice of you to do as they ask. Otherwise I'd love to throw another volleyball at your head."

Gritting his teeth, Atsumu glared at the brown-haired girl before his gaze slid to the other girls. They had lowered their heads a little, with Megumi looking a little more uncertain. She really should be a little braver. "It's all right..." the player exhaled in annoyance, leaving Kaede satisfied and walking away again.

"Did you just have to choose her?" Atsumu whispered quietly to his brother, who had been looking after Kaede. "She can kick your ass, so it fits." Osamu shrugged his shoulders. "That's nasty..." Atsumu whined and showed the girls a completely different side. One that they didn't find so bad and had become a little more relaxed as a result.

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