Chapter 35

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Kaede looked at the notepad Megumi and Chika had given her, which contained all the new information. Jump height, current height, age and a few other things. At first glance, Kaede could already see that Aran had improved again. Right after him came Atsumu, who was even allowed to go to the Japanese junior training camp last year.

Kaede could also see from Kita that although he was not the best player, he had been given a suitable position, which he was able to master very well as a captain. But Suna was also getting better and better with his blocks.

"Looks very good." Kaede praised her friends so that they would be relieved. She could see the tension in their faces. "Really?" asked Chika, who was literally staring at Kaede with her gray eyes. "Yes, you did very well."

"I'm glad..." Chika breathed out, putting a hand on her chest to calm it down a little. "In the end... it wasn't even that bad." Megumi admitted here and even found some of the players really nice. Some of them were a little awkward themselves, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

"Good, then you can take over the job." Kaede smiled and was looked at with wide eyes. "Whaaaat!?" Chika exclaimed, getting everyone's attention now that she had gotten a little too loud. "The job as manager. The coach is okay with that."

"But...but I'm in club." Megumi said quietly. "That...only causes problems..."

"As far as I know, your club isn't every day and not at the same time." Kaede smiled and received a questioning look from Chika. "You planned this..didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kaede shrugged her shoulders and pretended that nothing had been planned and that she herself was clueless. "But come to think of it, you should have a bit more contact with Kenma, shouldn't you? He plays with the Nekoma, doesn't he?"

A blush spread across Chika's face, who immediately lowered her head to hide the blush under her hair. She could easily be compared to a tomato, which also had spots of its own.

"Well then, see you tomorrow." Kaede waved with a smile and simply left her friends standing there. They couldn't help but look after her, while the trainer watched the whole thing in mild amusement.

Kaede had always been strange to Oomi anyway. He could very well understand what Osamu saw in her, which Atsumu had already trumpeted last year. But it was extremely difficult for the gray-haired man to approach her properly. Because what had stopped Osamu from asking Kaede out was the steady boyfriend Kaede had had since middle school.

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