Chapter 43

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Kaede had not slept well at all last night. The high school student kept waking up because she kept coming out of her nightmares. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Kazumi in front of her, who had jumped off the roof.

Now that she thought about it, she had never been near this museum again, neither in the tea store nor in the town library. Kaede had always chosen a different building for her books so that she wouldn't have to see the motionless body on the street.

"Good morning...Kaede-chan..." mumbled Megumi, which made Kaede raise her eyebrows. Since when did Megumi have a chan attached to her name? "Are you sick?" Kaede asked immediately, putting her hand on her friend's forehead.

"No..." the black-haired girl mumbled and opened her locker, which, funnily enough, was almost next to Kaede. " actually just call me Kaede..."

"Oh, so...ehm..." stuttered the Hayashi, who had rarely spoken it. Not because Megumi was ashamed, but because she didn't like being called by her last name. "

"Riseki called me that earlier." Megumi said. Riseki was the only first-year student Oomi had chosen. A pity, really. "I would be more polite..."

Megumi was really sweet sometimes. As if by magic, Keade's tiredness and somewhat bad mood were blown away. A slight smile came to her lips. "Just stay with me Kaede. That's quite enough for me."

"Got it." Megumi nodded quickly, sounding braver than usual. She was probably learning a lot with the volleyball team. Could be because of Atsumi, who provoked everything and thus forced Megumi. As long as it helped her, Kaede wouldn't hurt Miya.

"Chika has already gone ahead, by the way. She said she wanted to get her juice before the vending machine ran out. Apparently no delivery has come." Megumi now spoke. Chika was particularly taken with this juice.

"She could have written to me. There's a little store on my way to school that sells these packs." mumbled Kaede, who had put her hand over her mouth as a yawn became visible. "Didn't sleep well?"

"Yeah. The book got to me." Wasn't even a lie. But Megumi was still far too unsure to tell. She took a few steps forward, which Kaede didn't want to ruin.

"Megumi! Kaede!" a cheerful voice called down the corridor where Kaede had gone. Almost shaking her head, Kaede walked a little further before she raised her head to look at Chika.

But then her body reacted differently than she actually wanted it to. As Chika came closer and closer to them, the high school student disappeared from Kaede's sight for a few seconds. A lump formed in her throat when she saw Kazumi in front of her, smiling and coming closer and closer to her.

"Kaede." she heard her voice say as the brown-haired girl narrowed her eyes. Her breathing quickened a little as her eyes opened again. Instead of the yellow eyes, Kaede now recognized the grey ones that belonged to Chika.

Without reacting to her call, Kaede turned around and ran away. She couldn't bear the resemblance right now.

"Hey, Kaede! Where are you going?!" Chika called after her questioningly and could only see the brown-haired girl disappear around the next corner.

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