Chapter 30

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"That's really good and sweet." smiled Chika, who had read the slightly larger passage. "I can really imagine Kyoko and Koko playing together."

"So... isn't it too exaggerated?" Kaede asked. "No, not at all. I would almost say that you should leave it the same."

Understanding, Kaede nodded. So she shouldn't drag this moment out too far. It had been really good to print this part out and give it to Chika to read.

Because she had already read many books, she had a good idea of what a reader would find appealing. She herself had only ever read the books from the author's point of view, which of course formed a completely different opinion.

"And I apologize for keeping you from studying." apologized the Tokoyami, who simply came to her home after school. "Oh, that's all right. You said yourself that I shouldn't study so much." Chika smiled.

Her family had been very nice when she had rung the doorbell. From Chika's stories, Kaede thought that the Hotari's were more than just strict. But she had thought wrong.

Her mother had been very happy about this visit. Kaede almost thought she was going to cry. Apparently they didn't know that Chika had taken a friend home or that anyone was looking for her. Except for Kenma, of course.

"Say, I've been thinking." "About what?" asked Kaede, who had been looking at the gray-haired girl. "I've been wondering what's going on with Kazumi. Did you have a fight? Is that why you're no longer in contact?"

Kaede swallowed quietly and didn't know what to say. Chika was probably asking because they called her their best friend. So Kaede couldn't blame her for asking.

"You could say that..." the brown-haired girl said and wanted to leave it at that. It wouldn't do anyone any good to talk about it any further.

"Why should someone like you be abandoned...?" Chika muttered to herself. It was actually a very cute thought that Chika had. Kaede probably wouldn't have understood it in her situation either.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." smiled Kaede, who had now opened her English book. As long as she was here, she could study with Chika. After all, she was in class 1-4 and had better grades. Learning something from her would also help Kaede.

"All right." smiled Chika, who had accepted these words immediately without asking. Kaede had a strong personality and would definitely say something if she wasn't feeling well.

Chika would probably only find out that this wasn't the case after she had read her best friend's entire book.

The Writer Osamu FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora