Chapter 4

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As there wouldn't be much to do on the first day, Kaede hadn't made sure that the teachers would give them some documents. Some books had already been sent home before the start of secondary school, while others were only distributed at the school itself. This meant that Kaede was allowed to go to her locker after the first lesson to get rid of the clutter.

The name tag "Kaede Tokoyami" was found relatively quickly. Her locker was one of the middle ones, which she was glad about. The girl had only received the key to it earlier, as the teachers wanted to make sure that no one would think up a prank.

Of course, this also meant that Kaede could finally put her shoes inside, which she had previously packed in her backpack. She was already wearing her slippers anyway, which had been delivered home with her school uniform.

Her eyes fell on the books she still had in her rucksack. To avoid having to carry everything around, Kaede looked at the timetable, which she might copy for the locker.

"So, Japanese, math and history." Kaede read out quietly and packed all the books that had nothing to do with these subjects into her locker. She also put two of the thicker books she had brought with her, as there was probably no time to read between lessons.

"Did you hear about it? They've found a new victim." Kaede heard a girl say quietly, as she probably shouldn't come out. A victim? For what exactly?

The statement made Kaede very suspicious. It could well be that a new student had to take a test of courage and was the so-called victim at the beginning, so to speak. Perhaps it was simply a term that was often used in the clubs, as many would not be able to cope with change.

Since Kaede was curious about it anyway, she set off to find said victim. It couldn't really be that difficult to find a small group.

Not far from the outer door to the schoolyard, Kaede could already see the small group that the other girl must have meant. As far as she could tell, these girls must be second or third graders. None of them had seen Kaede in her own class.

A little further away, there were other students standing around who weren't even interested. Rather, they were whispering around and didn't show any backbone to help. Actually, they should intervene if it was really a victim who was suffering.

"Nah you pimple face? Aren't you ashamed to walk around with that?" asked one of the girls, speaking to a younger girl. She looked shy. Defenseless and scared, which immediately reminded Kaede of something.

"How can you show up here with such an ugly face?" asked the leader of the group, which made her friends laugh. This moment was enough for Kaede to stomp towards the group with her head held high and her hands slightly clenched.


The Writer Osamu FFWhere stories live. Discover now