Chapter 1

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I would like to include a few things in this FF that won't be for everyone. I won't say exactly what it's about, but it will go in a direction that I'm sure everyone has already experienced in their lives.

In the blurb, I have already hinted at two girls who will play a major role. They are in private contact with me and know about it and were asked before me if I could give them (the character trait) a "dedication" in a fanfiction, as the Haikyuu characters will suit them very well. The names were "ab changed". In other words, I "translated" the meaning of their real names into Japanese.

I would also like to say that Kaede does not represent me, which some might think from the title. But no. The idea just came about. And since I had already addressed many topics that had to do with hobbies or strokes of fate etc., I thought that all authors could also be given something.

The fanfiction was also inspired by a Netflix series known as "True Beauty".


A huge amount of noise could be heard spreading through the large hall. The conversations that took place could barely be understood, as everything revolved around today.

A volleyball match was taking place, which was probably one of the most important events for many fans. Shouts and cheers could also be heard amongst the conversations. Things that a young woman at her secondary school was also often allowed to hear.

The young woman was not just there. Her managers had given her a so-called stall today, which was different from all the volleyball merchandise.

They said it was a good change to sell other things as well. Especially as the young woman had become famous for her item. But this was not just a sale.

Kaede Tokoyami had remained unknown for a long time. In all the years in which she had sold her item, she had used an alias so that no one could recognize her immediately. However, since Kaede had many more things planned, she wanted to show her own fans who she really was before anything made the whole secret public.

And her managers had also scheduled an autograph session, so Kaede had quite a lot to do. In addition to her, there were two younger girls present who were earning some pocket money to pay for their future studies. In addition to the autograph session, they had sold the books in question.

Kaede had worked on her own novel in her youth, especially in high school. It had taken her many years before she had even decided to take her novel to a publisher.

Kaede exhaled softly as she shook her hand a little. It was very tiring to sign books for hundreds of people and then take a photo with them. Perhaps she shouldn't have made herself public after all.

A ringing of her cell phone made Kaede take a quick look at it before she picked up the receiver immediately. "Chika, what's up?" the brown-haired girl wanted to know as she helped clear the table.

"How did it go?" her best friend wanted to know straight away, which made Kaede smile. "Very well, actually. But it would have been nice if..."

"Sorry Kaede, but I'm busy at the moment." Chika interrupted her. "I just wanted to know how it went, since I just had a moment." she said, which made Kaede shake her head. She could only guess what Chika was doing.

"Ahhh, Kenma! That's not fair!" Chika immediately shouted as the sound of a game played in the background. She was playing with her friend again, so Kaede laughed and put the phone down.

If Kaede had thought about it, there was another person besides Chika who had given her the push to publish her book. However, she was certainly very busy, which was why Kaede didn't want to call her.

Putting her hand in the pocket of her blue skirt, Kaede pulled up the two white sleeves of her blouse a little. She pulled her blue tie down a little, as she no longer wanted to look like a big businesswoman.

Kaede exhaled again as she placed a box full of books on the table, which she would take back to the bookstore. Immediately afterwards, she noticed a person near her who probably wanted her autograph or a photo.

Her green-brown eyes turned to this person before she opened her mouth slightly in surprise. A young man was standing in front of her with her book in his hand, which he had raised slightly. She hadn't seen him since secondary school.

"Nice to see you again, Kaede." he said, smiling slightly, which had brought up a lot of feelings in her. Not knowing what she could say in reply, she simply uttered his name.


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