Chapter 25

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A few days had passed since the conversation with Kazumi, who had advised her to write a book. The thought and the idea behind it remained unforgettable for Kaede. She had already had the idea of becoming a writer and expanding her hobby. But no one had ever broached the subject with her before.

Unfortunately, the problem was that Kaede still had too little experience of writing a book. A diary didn't sound bad, but Kaede wanted to make something more out of it.

Because Kazumi had given her a little push, Kaede had done some research on the internet and looked for different authors. Since she was already interested in kanji writing anyway, she had picked up a few more books, most of which she had from the city library.

She had only bought a few books that were important so that she could keep them with her for longer. Her father had usually racked his brains as to why she needed so many, but had always accepted it.

Since her mother had died, Kaede had more or less lost herself in these books and had concentrated more and more on writing, which had also given her a better grade.

It was like a big distraction from reality, which Kaede was more than aware of. The bullying had made that even clearer to her, especially because it was about her best friend.

She hadn't reported any incidents since then, which had made Kaede relieved on the one hand, but also suspicious on the other. She knew that Kazumi never really talked about it, but the fact that nothing at all had been heard or seen was a bit strange.

The ringing of the school bell had brought Kaede out of her thoughts, who had packed up all her things. She quickly left her classroom so that she could go to the building opposite.

That was where Kazumi's classroom was, and Kaede wanted to catch her so that she could go home with her. This also gave her the opportunity to talk to her about the last few days, which were certainly still on her mind.

Opening the door, Kaede walked under a narrow roof, which brought her to the other side and opened the next door. The students were already quite well gathered here, which made it a little more difficult to see Kazumi right away.

The grey-haired girl was very conspicuous because of this very color. But she was relatively small and could easily be overlooked. Just as Kaede was about to ask a student about her, she heard loud laughter coming from one direction, which certainly wasn't good.

Curious and not knowing what could be so funny, Kaede looked into the hallway as her best friend ran past her, completely soaked and crying.

"K..Kazumi...?" Kaede asked quietly, still in a slight shock, as she turned around and could only watch her best friend disappear behind the door. Kaede hadn't even noticed the laughter in the hallway.

The only thing Kaede could do was to run out too, in the hope that she could catch up with Kazumi and comfort her.

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