Chapter 27

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Birds chirped in the tranquil morning. She felt a kind of peace that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Her body screamed as she tried to stretch. She glanced around the room. Soft, ambient lighting emanated from intricately designed sconces, casting a gentle glow across the room.

Ena entered through the ornate double doors, greeting Katherine with a warm and inviting smile. "My dear, you slept through the day and the night!" She exclaimed and placed a tray on the vanity. 

Katherine still sat in the imposing four-poster bed, handcrafted from dark polished wood. The bed was draped with fabrics that mirrored the vineyard's lush surroundings: deep burgundy, rich green, and gold. 

Ena walked over to the large windows framed by heavy, velvet curtains, throwing them to the side to allow natural light to filter into the room, offering breathtaking views of the sprawling vineyards and the distant mountains. 

Katherine kicked her feet off the bed, landing on a soft rug. She flexed her toes on the soft surface with a smile. 

"You're looking quite cheery today." Ena observed, and Katherine smiled. She held out a plush robe in the colors of the Tappan household, a blend of deep greens and purples reminiscent of the vineyard's foliage. Ena guided her towards vanity. It was bathed in the soft glow of morning light. 

At the vanity, Ena picked up a polished silver brush. Kathering admired her new Genasi features in the mirror. A cascade of long, brown, wavy hair now tumbled gracefully down Katherine's transformed form. Running her fingers through the thick strands, she felt the soft, dusty texture beneath her touch. At the vanity, a polished silver brush awaits. Ena took the brush and began to carefully work through the strands. The dust fell away, revealing the natural luster of her hair.

"Love must be in the air. Your hair is looking rather extravagant this morning." Ena remarked. Katherine nervously shuffled after the comment. 

As she tended to her hair, she took the opportunity to share tales of the vineyard's history and the significance of each passing season. Once Katherine's hair was silky-smooth and free of any dust, Ena turned her attention to the wardrobe. 

She slipped out of her dress and stood before a full-length mirror, her reflection casting a soft glow in the room. She observed herself with a mixture of curiosity and acceptance, her gaze wandering over the physical changes that accompanied her transformation. Gone were the delicate contours of her human form, replaced by a newfound strength that manifested in the subtle, yet noticeable, development of muscles. Her shoulders, once slender, now bore a broader, more robust presence. The sinewy grace that adorned her limbs spoke of an underlying power, as if the very essence of the natural world had coursed through her veins. She ran her hand down her naked body, noticing her strength, and down her breasts, which were slightly larger and perkier. Her limbs, now longer and more defined, extended gracefully from her torso. Each movement seemed to flow effortlessly. As she traced her fingers along the lines of her transformed physique, she could feel the resilience beneath her touch.

The reflection in the mirror unveiled a complexion that had evolved from the sun-kissed fairness of her human days. Her skin, once touched by the warmth of the castle gardens, had undergone a metamorphosis into a rich, earthy green. Katherine found solace in the consistency of her eyes. The deep green and blue hues of them remained unchanged. 

The door to Katherine's chamber gently swung open, and Ena entered with a soft rustle of fabric, her presence exuding warmth and care. As she turned the corner, she discovered Katherine standing naked before the mirror. 

"My dear," Ena expressed with a tender tone, "I hope the morning has treated you well." She approached Katherine, offering a nurturing touch on her shoulder.

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