Chapter 28

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The door to Katherine's chamber opened with a gentle creek, and two Tappan-Cabhrus entered the room. One she recognized from the naming ceremony.

"Good day." He greeted her with a warm smile. "We were considering taking a tour of the estate. The vineyards are in their full splendor, and it might be a refreshing change of scenery if you're feeling up to it."

"A breath of fresh air might do wonders, and our estate has many hidden gems to explore," Ena added, a hint of enthusiasm in her voice.

Katherine, though weighed down by the events of recent days, considered the offer. A subtle nod and a small. It was a welcome proposition, a chance to step outside the confines of her chamber and explore the Genasi estate.

Ena and Elashor guided Katherine through the sprawling Tappan estate. The chateau was beautiful. The tour extended to the guest suites, where luxurious accommodations boasted panoramic views of the vineyard. These rooms mirrored her own room, and she wondered what sorts of guests Emmyth entertained.

Upon leaving the guest suites, they entered the grand hall. The tour then ascended to the grand hall, a majestic space adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the history of the Genasi family. The grand hall served as a testament to the family's legacy in winemaking.

A visit to the library revealed a collection of rare vintages and ancient scrolls, each telling a story of the vineyard's evolution. The room exuded an air of quiet sophistication, with leather-bound books and parchment maps lining the shelves. Katherine's hands traced the leather-bound books, missing her own library at home. Elashor assured her that she was welcome to come back here as often as she liked and that Emmyth often frequented these libraries as well.
Descending into the heart of the chateau, the tour led to the wine cellars, where barrels of carefully aged wines were stored. The air within was cool and carried the heady aroma of fermentation. Wooden casks, bearing the mark of generations past, stood as silent witnesses to the vineyard's time-honored traditions.

Stepping into sunlit courtyards adorned with fountains and sculptures, the tour offered moments of serenity. The gentle sound of water mingled with the rustle of leaves, creating a tranquil atmosphere where guests could pause and reflect.

The tour commenced amidst the vineyard terraces, where rows of lush, vibrant grape vines stretched as far as the eye could see. The air was fragrant with the sweet promise of ripening grapes, and the landscape unfolded in a patchwork of green and purple hues. Finally Climbing the winding stairs of the observation tower, the tour reached new heights. From this vantage point, Katherine could survey the vast vineyard landscapes, the undulating hills, and the distant mountains that cradled the Genasi estate. From the tower, Katherine could see Emmyth with his sentries getting ready for his business in Pyrothos. She placed her head on her hands and sighed longingly.

Ena shot Elashor a discreet glance before gently pulling him aside, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial hush.

"Elashor," she began, her tone tinged with a hint of mystery, "do you notice anything peculiar about that girl?"

Elashor, ever watchful of Katherine through the window, responded, "Strange? In what way?"
"I observed something intriguing last night during her bath," Ena divulged, leaning in closer. "There was not a single marking on her body."

Elashor raised an eyebrow, considering this information. "She is young," he countered.

"Her customs are peculiar for an Earth Genasi," Ena continued, her voice laced with suspicion.

 "And did you witness her attempt at a curtsy earlier? Quite awkward, to say the least."
"Peculiar indeed," Elashor admitted.

Ena, adopting a matter-of-fact tone, added, "And here's the oddest part: she can't speak. Furthermore, she mysteriously appeared shortly after Emmyth was saved by his dream girl—someone no one can find."

Elashor's expression shifted, acknowledging the peculiarities Ena outlined. "I have my suspicions," she concluded, her words hanging in the air.

"You would do best to keep them to yourself at this time," Elashor said. "We don't know why or how this girl suddenly showed up and what threat she could pose."

The two continued to observe Katherine through narrowed eyes.

Suddenly, a burst of vibrant color caught Katherine's attention. A flash of emerald green and sapphire blue streaked through the air, cutting across the serene scene. It was Celeste, Nora's parrot, soaring gracefully in the open sky.

The parrot's wings sliced through the air, leaving a fleeting trail of vivid hues against the backdrop of the vineyard. Celeste's flight was a spectacle of freedom and agility, a moment of untamed beauty in the midst of carefully cultivated surroundings. Katherine smiled.

"Is that a parrot?" Ena questioned.

"Strange," Elashor said, "there aren't usually parrots in this region."

The vineyard, bathed in the soft, amber glow of the setting sun, takes on a magical quality. The long shadows of the grapevines stretch across the rich soil, creating a patchwork of light and shadow. The leaves of the vines catch the last rays of sunlight, turning them into shimmering shades of green and gold.

"Come, my lady," Elashor said, gesturing for Katherine to follow him down the stairs of the observation tower. "It's time we get ready to join the high lord for dinner."

The sun dipped lower, and the sky transitioned from vibrant hues to deeper, more muted tones. The distant hills and mountains silhouette against the colorful sky, creating a sense of depth and perspective. The air was filled with a gentle breeze, carrying the sweet scent of ripening grapes and earthy notes from the vineyard.

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