Chapter 20

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Sebastian received the summons to the king's quarters with a sense of dread, and he begrudgingly made his way. Each step weighed heavily on him, and the knots of anxiety tightened in his stomach.

Approaching the king's quarters, Sebastian felt the weight of impending trouble pressing down on him like an ominous storm cloud. He knew that behind those imposing doors, a confrontation awaited himâ€"one he had been avoiding.

He knew he had been neglecting his duties as a guard, dismissing the king's previous requests for a meeting with excuses that had worn the monarch's patience thin. Now, as he reached the threshold of the king's chambers, a sense of apprehension mingled with guilt, knowing he could delay this encounter no longer.

He reached the entrance to the king's chambers. The heavy doors loomed before him, and he hesitated for a moment. Despite his reluctance, Sebastian knew he had run out of excuses. With a resigned sigh, he mustered the courage to enter, fully aware that he was about to face the consequences of his neglectful behavior. He took a deep breath before entering the room; however, it did not make him feel any calmer.

In the opulent room, King Eugene sat regally at his intricately carved desk, surrounded by a sea of papers. The desk, adorned with gilded accents and polished wood, served as a symbol of the monarch's authority. The room itself exuded a sense of timeless grandeur, with tapestries depicting the kingdom's history hanging from the walls and torches casting a warm, flickering glow.
King Eugene, a figure of imposing stature, wore a regal robe that draped over his shoulders, displaying the royal crest. His countenance reflected both wisdom and the weight of responsibility that came with his position. Silver streaks adorned his dark hair, a testament to the years spent ruling his realm.

Seated amidst the paperwork that demanded his attention, King Eugene raised his eyes as Sebastian entered the room. The air seemed to carry a certain tension, and the weight of the king's gaze bore down on the guard. It was a gaze that had observed the ebb and flow of courtly affairs for many years, attuned to the nuances that unfolded within the kingdom.

"I have heard the rumors, Sebastian," King Eugene began, his voice carrying the authority that befits a ruler. The words hung in the air, hinting at a mixture of curiosity and concern as the monarch addressed the swirling whispers that had reached his ears.

"You know, Sebastian," King Eugene began, his tone measured and authoritative, "whenever I need genuine advice, I always turn to my trusted advisor. I can always trust my most honest friend for guidance."

As the king's words hung in the air, a heavy silence settled in the room. Sebastian, standing before the regal figure at the desk, felt a pang of guilt gnawing at him. The weight of the king's trust, coupled with the awareness that he had neglected his responsibilities, bore down on Sebastian like a leaden cloak. The room seemed to close in around him as he awaited the king's next words, fearing the repercussions of his actions. The king rose from his chair, and Sebastian feared the worst.

The king rose from his seat with a warm smile that seemed to lift the tension in the room. "In love! My little Katherine, I knew staying on this side of the woods would be good for her," King Eugene exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with genuine joy at the prospect.

Sebastian, still grappling with the weight of guilt, found himself caught off guard by the unexpected reaction. The king's smile and positive outlook on Katherine's situation momentarily eased Sebastian's apprehension. However, the king's next question brought the guard back to the reality of the moment.

"Now, Sebastian, tell me who is the lucky man?" The king's curiosity was evident, and the room awaited Sebastian's response with bated breath, leaving the guard to navigate the delicate task of revealing the truth about Katherine's unconventional pursuits.

Suddenly, the usually composed Sebastian, his demeanor unraveling under the weight of guilt and concern, revealed the secret. "I tried to stop her, your majesty, but she didn't listen!" he exclaimed, his voice betraying a mix of frustration and desperation. "I told her, Katherine, you have to stay away from those woods; they lead to nothing but trouble!"

The confession hung in the air, the gravity of the situation resonating in the tense silence that followed. Sebastian's revelation, a breach of the usual decorum within the throne room, laid bare the struggle he faced in trying to protect the princess from the consequences of her actions. The king's expression shifted, his smile fading as he absorbed the implications of Sebastian's words.

"Genasi again! Sebastian, have you been keeping this from me? Where is that girl?" King Eugene's voice carried a mix of frustration and disbelief. His suspicions about Katherine being in love took an unexpected turn, and the revelation struck a nerve.
King Eugene, initially irritated by Sebastian's evasions, now felt a rising tide of irritation as the guard apologized and stammered on. The air in the room crackled with tension, and the king's usually composed demeanor wavered as he realized Katherine's affections were directed towards a genasi.

Fury building within him, King Eugene rose from his seat and strode to the window, looking out over his kingdom. The grand hallway echoed with the majestic king's footsteps, his cape trailing behind him like a symbol of regal authority. The once-curious monarch now grappled with a revelation that threatened to unravel the stability of the royal court, and the consequences of Katherine's unconventional love became a weight on the shoulders of the furious king.

"Where is she, Sebastian? Where?" King Eugene's voice sliced through the air like a blade, his demand echoing down the corridor.

"I don't know, sire, you just missed her!" Sebastian, desperate to shield Katherine from the king's wrath, pleaded with a tinge of urgency.

The king's fury, palpable and unrestrained, fueled his steps as he stormed down the corridor. Each stride seemed to resonate with the weight of betrayal; the once-regal monarch is now a tempest of anger. "To think she'd betray her family this way! That she would turn her back on her own kind!" King Eugene's words thundered through the hallway.

"Sire, please, she can't help it." Sebastian attempted to explain, his voice a feeble barrier against the oncoming storm.

Sebastian, observing the king's strained breathing, hastened to recount Katherine's interaction with Emmyth and the elemental forces. The king's fury only intensified as he learned of the perceived mockery of the principles he held dear.

"I taught her myself, and now she makes a mockery of everything we hold dear. Tell me where she is hiding," the king demanded, dismissing Sebastian's desperate attempts to explain.

"If only I knew," Sebastian replied, a note of helplessness in his voice.

"She keeps secrets from me, Sebastian, not from you. You know where she is. Take me to her," the king insisted, his command echoing through the corridor. His voice dripped with contempt and authority, a menacing undertone underscoring his words.

Sebastian stood his ground, his expression resolute yet conflicted. "Your Majesty, I honestly do not know where she is," he replied firmly, his voice unwavering despite the tension in the air.

The king's sneer deepened, his demeanor shifting to one of aggression and hostility. "You think you were promoted solely on merit and skill, Captain?" he spat, his words laced with bitterness. "Do not forget who granted you that rank. You serve at my pleasure."

The intensity of the king's gaze bore down on Sebastian, the weight of his authority pressing heavily upon the captain's shoulders. "Take me to her," he repeated, his tone a dangerous mix of demand and entitlement.

Sebastian remained composed, though his jaw tightened with suppressed emotion.

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