Chapter 7

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TW: profanity,

The grand hall of the castle, with its towering stone walls, was adorned with opulent hangings. Blue and gold royal tapestries embroidered with delicate silk were hanging proudly, bathed in the warm flicker of innumerable candles that created dancing shadows on the walls. A soft breeze whispered through the hall; it gently rustled the banners, causing them to sway like a conquering wind.

The nobles of the realm had assembled for a courtly gathering. It wasn't often that they themselves were called. They eagerly awaited the king's arrival. The scent of beeswax from the candles mingled with the subtle fragrance of wildflowers from the open windows. Warm, honeyed beams of sunlight rushed through the windows, dancing and flickering over the room.

As the doors to the grand hall swung open, a hush fell over the assembled courtiers, their gazes turning toward the entrance. King Eugene, resplendent in his royal regalia adorned with jewels that glimmered like stars against the velvet backdrop, entered with measured steps, drawing every eye in the room. His presence exuded authority and grace as he greeted the assembled nobles with a nod and a smile.

Marshall stood beside King Eugene, his red face marked by an expression of regal poise and reverence that was only diminished by the sweat dripping down his brow. Marshall appeared more nervous as King Eugene took his seat in front of the courtly party, his beady eyes wandering from person to person in an attempt to find comfort.

However, as the monarch leaned forward, he saw a playful twinkle in his eye and said, "Was Captain Sebastian with a woman, Marshall?" Marshall's cheeks turned even redder. Marshall murmured a quick denial, blushing violently and tripping over his words. The king, struggling to stifle his laughter, found amusement in Marshall's flustered state.

As Marshall stepped forward, his voice cracked in an attempt to project confidence. The king's stifled snicker reverberated through the grand hall, eliciting a ripple of suppressed chuckles from the assembled nobles. Despite his best efforts to appear composed, Marshall's nervous facade faltered under the weight of the king's jest.

"Your Majesty," Marshal began, his voice rising above the courtly murmurs, "it is my honor to herald the arrival of esteemed nobles who have gathered to grace today's occasion with their presence. But first, let the trumpets sound, announcing the majestic arrival of our revered King."

With a sweeping gesture, he beckoned to the court herald. The great hall resonated with the triumphant blast of trumpets. Extra guardsmen, clad in polished armor, stood vigilantly at strategic points throughout the grand hall. The nobles, representing diverse regions of the kingdom, were arranged around a long crescent-shaped table, their attire ranging from elaborate silks to finely tailored velvets. Its graceful curve led the eye inexorably toward the imposing throne. As the sound of trumpets reverberated through the hall, all eyes turned toward King Eugene.

"Please proceed, Lord Marshall." When the King spoke, his hypnotic voice made the nobles fall silent to hear his words. Marshall gestured to the first noble, a distinguished man in finely tailored clothes, a scholarly-looking man with an air of wisdom.

Lord Florencio Bullock, a figure of regal presence, stepped forward. Florencio commanded attention with an air of refined authority. Standing tall and dignified, he possessed a commanding stature. His broad shoulders filled the meticulously tailored clothes, the rich fabric of silver and royal blue cascading down to the intricately embroidered hem. The silver threads caught the light, casting a subtle shimmer. Florencio had a strong, chiseled Roman nose that added to his expressive mouth; they bespoke a life of nobility and responsibility. His dark hair, impeccably groomed, framed a face marked by the passage of time and adorned with a neatly trimmed beard that added a touch of sophistication. Inset beneath a prominent brow, his brown eyes held a keen intelligence, reflecting the wisdom accumulated through years of governance and leadership.

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