Chapter 4

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TW: swearing, emotional abuse, anxiety, sexual innuendos, anxiety, mentions violence 

Amidst the grand study, a large, ornate window graced one side of the room, inviting a gentle breeze and a chorus of birdsong. It provided a breathtaking view of the Kingdom of Berenia. As King Eugene gazed proudly at his realm, every detail of the bustling courtyard came to life. The distant sounds of the kingdom—the chatter of people, the rhythmic clatter of hooves, and the occasional songbird—reached his ears, creating a symphony of daily life. The castle towers stood tall in the golden sunlight, and the sprawling landscapes stretched into the horizon.

Standing by the window with hands resting on the sill, he felt the soft caress of a warm breeze, which tousled the rich fabric of his blue robes. He sighed. The scent of blooming flowers from the palace gardens wafted in. A gentle smile played on his lips, reflecting his satisfaction with Berenia's prosperity and the joy of a special occasion. Today was his daughter's twenty-first birthday. His usually fierce, deep blue eyes softened into pools of compassion.

With a final glance at the kingdom he held dear, King Eugene turned away from the window. He moved toward his desk with a softer gait due to the plush royal carpets beneath his feet. The claustrophobic study was filled with piles of scrolls and documents, quills and dry inkwells, and candles that had burned down to their holders. Wall-to-wall bookcases were overcrowded with books, tomes, and the occasional astrolabes and scientific instruments inherited from his father after the Elemental War. Any additional space on the walls was covered by elaborate tapestries depicting scenes of the kingdom's history.

The room, warmed by the summer heat, held the king's most prized possessions: writing and drawings from his daughter's education. Among the writings, vibrant narratives unfolded, revealing the imaginative tales spun by a young mind. Adventures in fantastical lands, heroic deeds, and tales of mythical creatures graced the parchment. The inked quill strokes danced across the pages, bringing to life the vivid worlds that existed solely within the confines of her youthful imagination. His fingers absentmindedly traced the edges of an antique globe as he stood at his desk. Weathered by time, piles of scrolls and documents lay haphazardly across the desk. The scrolls bore the marks of age, the paper acquired a delicate yellowish hue, and the edges frayed with the passage of countless years. The polished surface of the desk reflected the flickering candlelight.

His gaze shifted to a large family portrait behind his desk. A frozen masterpiece marking his coronation was created in the immediate aftermath of his father's death, in the middle of the war.

In the portrait, King Eugene's stature stood tall and dignified, his countenance marked by sternness, commanding attention with a face that portrayed not only authority but also a profound grief that dwelled beneath the surface. His deep blue eyes, windows to a soul burdened by loss, revealed wisdom tinged with the heaviness of sorrow.

Cascading over his broad shoulders, a regal cloak draped in hues of royal blue, and atop his head, the golden crown symbolized his new status. In his hands, King Eugene held the ceremonial scepter and orb. The golden Scepter, adorned with intricate details and precious gems, and the golden Orb, representing the monarch's dominion, rested confidently in his grasp.

Despite the sternness etched on his face, his eyes betrayed a vulnerability. Each line and furrow told a story of resilience in the face of loss.

Beside him stood his late queen, Agatha, her face portraying a stern and serious demeanor. Her countenance bore a serene dignity, capturing not only a quiet strength and grace but also an air of solemnity. Deep brown locks, gently flowing, framed her face, and she wore a deep purple gown adorned with silver-embroidered patterns. The late queen's eyes shared the same heterochromic charm as her daughter Katherine.

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