Chapter 21

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"I think I've found something," Katherine murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes glued to the ancient text. Luisa and Claudette glanced at her.

" Luisa leaned in closer. "What is it?"

""It's about the Genasi and their connection to the elements," Katherine explained, excitement tinged with awe evident in her tone. "It's fascinating; it's not redacted like the other ones were. "

Before Claudette could respond, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as the heavy footsteps of the king echoed through the chamber.

"Quick, hide the books!" Luisa hissed, frantically gathering the scattered books.

The atmosphere shifted abruptly as the imposing figure of King Eugene entered the room.

The king was silent but seething with anger. The air thickened as his gaze swept across the room, settling on the objects that revealed Katherine's secret pursuits.

"What is the meaning of this?" His voice was like thunder, shaking the very foundations of the chamber. An intense rage pervaded the room.

Katherine swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find her voice. "We were just... studying, Daddy," she stammered, her words barely audible in the oppressive silence.

"Studying?" His voice was like ice, sending shivers down Katherine's spine. "Studying what, exactly?" He grabbed one of the books.

Katherine felt a lump form in her throat, and her mouth suddenly dried. She glanced nervously at Luisa and Claudette. Katherine held her breath, waiting for his next words, her hands clenched tightly in her lap.

Her breath caught in her chest, trapped by the vice grip of fear, as the king closed the book with a sharp snap. His glare bore down on her like a relentless storm, causing her stomach to churn.

"Katherine, I want you to tell me the truth," he commanded, his voice cutting through the heavy silence like a sword.

Katherine remained frozen in place, her fingers trembling as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress, her gaze fixed firmly on the floor. She couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes.

"Katherine," the king roared, his voice reverberating off the walls of the chamber like thunder. Still, she did not respond.

As the king's demand pierced the heavy silence, Katherine's heart seemed to stop in her chest. Her eyes widened in shock and panic, the color draining from her face as his words hit her like a physical blow.

"DID YOU SAVE THAT GENASI MALE?" His voice thundered, echoing off the stone walls of the chamber, each word laced with fury and accusation.

A cold dread washed over Katherine, chilling her to the bone. A wave of nausea surged through her, and panic clawed at her chest, threatening to consume her.

With a trembling voice and tears stinging her eyes, Katherine finally whispered, "Yes, Daddy, I did."

Katherine, her eyes wide with fear, glanced around at her friends for support. The richly adorned room seemed to close in on her, the intricacies of the furniture and the softness of the tapestries offering little comfort in the face of her father's wrath.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. I'm nothing but a big chicken," Luisa blurted out, her voice heavy with remorse. Her shoulders slumped, weighed down by the burden of guilt that settled upon her. Katherine reached out a comforting hand, placing it gently on Luisa's arm in a silent gesture of solidarity.

"It's not fair," Claudette tried to interject, but the room fell silent, frozen in fear, as the king's demands echoed through the space.

"That is enough; leave us!" The king commanded silencing the girls, but no one moved, the weight of his fury keeping them rooted in place. "Why did you save that, Genasi?"

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