Chapter 9

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TW: talks of violence, death and war

Sebastian, left alone in the grand hall with King Eugene, felt the weight of the unspoken plea in Claudette's glance. The candles had burned down to their holders, casting cascades of golden light from the chandeliers above and illuminating the tapestries on the walls.

The room felt large now that it was just the two of them. He squared his shoulders, feeling the weight of his armor.

King Eugene, seated upon his throne, rested his face in his hand, his brow furrowed. Sebastian approached. As he drew nearer, he saw the weariness etched into the lines of the king's face. His expression is a mix of frustration and regret. With a heavy heart, the king sighed, the sound echoing through the cavernous hall.

"Captain, would you care to accompany me for a walk?" The king asked. He raised his head to look at the captain, his voice resonating with a weariness that bespoke the weight of his crown.

Sebastian nodded in agreement, his steps falling into rhythm with the monarchs. As they exited the grand hall, the castle corridors enveloped them, their stone walls bearing witness to centuries of whispered secrets and silent intrigue.

The king led Sebastian through the winding corridors. Finally, they arrived at a door concealed behind a tapestry woven with scenes of battles past. With a steady hand, the king pushed it open, revealing an intimate chamber.

Rarely visited, the chamber lay in hushed repose, a sanctuary of history and knowledge. Its stones are weathered by time and memory.

As they stepped inside, Sebastian's senses were overwhelmed by the musty scent of aged parchment and the faint aroma of incense.

The room was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting dancing shadows upon the walls. The tapestries faded with age yet were still vibrant with the colors of antiquity, depicting scenes of valor and conquest, their threads woven with the blood and sweat of generations long past. Each thread told a story, and each stitch was a testament to those who had come before.

Maps adorned their walls, their intricate lines tracing the paths of ancient journeys and conquests. Books stood upon shelves, their spines cracked with age. In the center of the chamber, a study oak table beckoned, its surface strewn with scrolls and quills.

As Sebastian's gaze swept over the room, he felt a shiver run down his spine. In the flickering candlelight, the faces of warriors long gone seemed to stir, their silent voices echoing through the chamber like whispers carried on the wind. The king stared at the tapestries, his expression a mask of stoicism.

"These tapestries," the king began, his voice heavy with the weight of history, "depict a time when humans and Genasi clashed, when magic held sway over these very lands before the war that molded the very earth we now stand upon. The Genasi, born from the elements that shaped our world, believed they owned it," he added, his tone tinged with reverence for the primal forces that birthed their ancient foes. His words hung in the air, laden with solemnity, as they approached the intricately woven scenes.

Closer they drew, and the tapestries seemed to come alive, threads whispering secrets of old battles and shattered dreams. With a solemn grace, the king's hands traced the outlines of conflicts long past, his fingers adorned with rings bearing the weight of his lineage.

His somber voice echoed through the dim chamber, painting vivid portraits of the Genasi: creatures of elemental power, their sinewy forms coiled with hunger and determination. Each thread in the tapestry danced with life, figures poised for war, their eyes aflame with the fervor of battle.

As the king spoke, sorrow clouded his eyes, and memories of past sorrows were etched into his very being. "They prowled the forests by night," he recounted, fear and awe mingling in his tone, "a primal force stalking our lands. The Earth Genasi claimed the forests, weaving their roots deep into the earth and striking fear into the hearts of our people. Water Genasi claimed the rivers, their currents unforgiving and unpredictable, while fire and air Genasi wreaked havoc, their elemental fury leaving devastation in their wake."

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