Chapter 22

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Katherine fled from the castle in uncontrollable sobs, the heavy doors echoing within the bailey as they swung open to the garden beyond. Running across the courtyard, tears blurring her vision, Katherine found herself enveloped by the lush greenery and vibrant blooms of the garden, a sanctuary her mother had often sought solace in. As she gazed upon the delicate petals her mother had once lovingly tended to, Katherine couldn't help but wonder if her mother would be as harsh as her father.

An eerie shiver ran down Katherine's spine as an unsettling sensation washed over her, signaling that she was not alone. From the shadowy depths emerged ghastly beings, their once-human forms now twisted and contorted into grotesque shapes. Heskell and Kirnon, their features marred by pallid, decaying flesh and eyes devoid of any semblance of life, stepped into the moonlit scene.

In the ghostly glow of the moon, the night bore witness to the haunting transformation of these spectral apparitions. Their skeletal limbs, gnarled and grotesque, reached out from the ethereal shadows. A haunting wail pierced the silence, echoing through the night as a chilling testament to their otherworldly existence. Katherine found herself confronted by these unearthly entities.

"Poor, sweet, misunderstood child," Heskell hissed, his voice a spectral whisper that seemed to emanate from somewhere deep within, sending shivers down Katherine's spine. Though their mouths remained eerily still, the words found their way to her, carried by an otherworldly force that only heightened the unsettling nature of the encounter.

"She has a serious problem, doesn't she?" Kirnon replied, emerging from the shadows like a malevolent phantom, his words slithering through the air. They circled her quietly as they spoke.

"Who will ease her problems?" Heskell asked, his gaze penetrating the darkness with an eerie intensity.

"Perhaps the witch in the woods can," Kirnon answered, his tone dripping with a sinister allure. "She's been dying to help you, Katherine."

"How... how do you know my name?" 

"Oh, we know all about you, Katherine," Heskell responded.

"Poor princess Katherine," Kirnon said, "with a desire only a witch can satisfy."

Heskell hissed, a sound that echoed like a spectral chant. "But she can't leave her cottage," Kirnon finished, the words hanging in the air like a sinister omen. They paused and stared at her with eyes that bore into her soul.

"Take me to her," Katherine replied, her voice steady but carrying an unsettling determination that mirrored the ominous atmosphere that enveloped the garden. The creatures turned.

"Wait!" Katherine called and looked back at the castle.

Katherine, grappling with the weight of her impending departure with Heskell and Kirnon, sat down to write a heartfelt, unsent letter to her father. The quill moved across the parchment.

As she finished the letter, Katherine held onto the hope that, somehow, her unspoken words would reach her father. She folded the letter and placed it next to her mother's favorite rose bush. A place he often visited to honor her memory.

"Ok," she sighed. "Let's go." Katherine looked back at the castle as they walked away. Katherine knew her group of friends were dependable, but she was worried they'd turn their backs on her after they found out about the deal she was about to make. 

In the shadowy night, Katherine, Heskell, and Kirnon slipped away from the castle grounds, their figures blending into the darkness as they ventured towards an uncertain destiny.

As Luisa's voice pierced the stillness, calling out for Katherine, she darted into the garden, her footsteps hurried and anxious. 

"Katherine?" Luisa called out, her voice echoing through the stillness. "Hello? Where did you go?" she rummaged about, her eyes scanning the deserted garden. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

Luisa's steps were hesitant as she wandered through the garden, her eyes darting anxiously from one shadow to the next. The moon cast a pale glow, illuminating the foliage. She moved with a sense of urgency, her heart pounding in her chest as she searched for any sign of Katherine. Her gaze fell upon a small, crumpled piece of paper lying beneath a cluster of roses. With trembling hands, Luisa reached down and picked it up, her breath catching in her throat as she unfolded the letter. The words on the page blurred before her eyes as she read, shock and disbelief washing over her. Time seemed to stand still as she stood there, the weight of the letter heavy in her hands.

Turning slightly, she saw Sebastian's figure emerging from the shadows, his expression fraught with concern and urgency. His steps were quick and determined, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he closed the distance between them. Luisa's heart raced as Sebastian reached her side, his eyes locking onto the letter in her hand with a mixture of dread and apprehension. Without a word, he reached out, his hand hovering over the letter as if hesitant to touch it, his own emotions mirroring the turmoil written across Luisa's face.

"Some friend you turned out to be!" Luisa shouted, her voice carrying the weight of hurt and anger, and she threw the letter at Sebastian, who had followed her down to the gardens.

Sebastian, faced with Luisa's accusatory gaze, pleaded, "It was for her own good! I swear, I pray she wakes up from this madness. She's in dangerous territory now."

"We need to find her," Luisa asserted, determination replacing the initial shock.

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