Chapter 75

382 16 4

12 hours later


"I don't wanna hear any excuses! All the evidence related to her should be erased from the scene. Get rid of everything that could be used as evidence." I had to raise my voice just to ensure I was heard among the lager crowd of men they all obliged and went on their ways to get the work done.

The after math of Y/n's rampage created a massive hassle for everyone and for her more than anyone. Me and my men had already discovered her and my brothers Namjoon's plan according to which her and Namjoon were supposed to take Mr. Jeon to an unknown location and do whatever they could with him.

But they went haywire when Mr. Jeon decided to run and seeing that as an only chance, she shot him at that spot and by the time I got to the situation Mr. Jeon had already died, and Y/n was knocked out cold in Namjoon's arms.

I rushed to lift her body in my arms, "Open the door." I commanded and Namjoon knew it was directed to him, so he complied.

"I'm taking her to hospital, after that you and I need to talk." I warned as I quickly drove towards the hospital. My eyes would check on her ever now and then I just wanted to check if she was getting up but to my dismay she didn't so I pressed the gas harder. 

When we reached the hospital, I immediately grabbed a doctor and literally begged him to get her quick medical attention and the doctor was nice enough to help me. He called a nurse and took her away. Frustrated and annoyed I ran my hand through my hair, my hair was greasy because I hadn't washed it for weeks but that was the las think on my mind. 

I pulled out my phone and called my team, "Yeah did you clean up the scene?" I demand expecting a positive reply and so I got. 

"Yes sir. We have decided to follow a story line of attempted run. The story will be as follow, Mr. Jeon tried to jump out of the bus and attacked the guard when he was tried to stop but he succeeds and jumped out of the bus after breaking the window and was shot down in order to stop him but even in injured state he hit on the guard and grabbed his gun and was shot again and died on the spot."   

He narrated me the story line and for some reason I knew my team didn't come up with this plan but it was Namjoon hyung so I asked, "Who came up with this plan?"

"Master Namjoon did." The man replied. Well, I knew I thought to myself. "Okay follow the plan. Our name shouldn't be out, remember that!" I remined them and hung up without any reply and walked toward where they took Y/n. 

As I removed the curtain, I saw her laying on the bed looking pale. The doctor turned to me and gave me a smile, "She'll be fine, her blood sugar is low, and her blood pressure is also very low, but we have up her on IV." He informed without me asking anything I gave him a forced smile and nodded but my eyes remained on her face. 

The doctor and nurse soon left after running few more physical tests giving me a chance to sit with her, the nurse was nice enough to close the curtains before leaving which gave us our privacy. I walked around her bed and sat down on the small stole next to it. 

I slowly ran my hand on her head, she was little clod. She must be in great shock after what her rage had pushed her to do, "Oh Y/n... please be fine. It's not your fault I'd tell you hundreds of times." I talked to her as if she could listen to me which I wished could. 

I gently held her clod hand in my hands, "Y/n please be fine for me." I sounded selfish but I didn't care I cannot be away from her I had tried and failed so many times and I was done trying. 


I was in my bedroom sitting alone with my shut I was waiting for something I was anxious, I kept fidgeting with my own fingers' nails, my heart was pounding loudly with each tick of the clock. When finally, my phone did ring my heartbeat raised and my stomach twisted making me feel nauseous.  

My hand shivered as I reached my phone my brain was almost shut down when I noticed an unknown number. I picked up I forced a gulp and answered the call, "Hello?" 

"Mr. Jeon Jungkook? A male voice asked me, I gulped again before I answered again. 

"Yes speaking" 

"I'm officer Ji Jun Hye from Seoul police station we have bad news for you." He started I inhaled sharply trying to embrace myself for the news. " We are very sorry to inform your father Mr. Jeon was encountered in a chase when he tried to hit and run from the guards." 

I heartbeat stopped for a brief moment; I was speechless but also confused why was I even feeing the way I did. Although I have not exactly grown up hating that man, but I have never felt the father love so why am I hurt right now? 

Why should I be mourning for someone like him? He has ruined numerous lives even though he was my biological father he never played the role even once. But why now I can't stop my tears from falling? Why? 

"Hello Mr. Jungkook? Are you still with me?" I heard the officer question. 

I wiped my tears off, "Yes I heard you. Do you want me to come to the police station?" I asked in a nonchalant tone, like I should. 

"Yes sir. We are extremely sorry sir, but you have to come here." I was told by the officer who sounded very sorry I would feel not knowing I already know how and why he died So I agreed.  


You've killed someone! You've killed someone! You've killed someone!

The voice chanted in my head while I saw nothing and no one but utter darkness. I had killed someone was the feeling I can never describe because I felt multiple feeling in one single moment. I was happy because I had received what I wanted for so long, I had killed him and ended my nightmares but on the other hand I know I have committed a great sin by taken the matter in my own hands for giving myself a justice. I feel sorry for Jungkook although he doesn't like him doesn't mean that I could just kill his father. 

"You've have killed my father Y/n! You're a murderer!" I heard his voice and I screamed 

NO! I'm sorry! 

I jumped up only to find myself in hospital again, I was a bed and someone was sitting on the stole next to it as he had fallen asleep holing my hand and his head rested on the edge of the bed.

It was Taehyung. I knew, his touch itself was enough to give away his presence. I reached my hair to pat his head gently but that touch made me aware that I was up so he quickly sat back up. As soon as his eyes met mine his face relaxed and eyes soften immediately, I was in his embrace his hug was so tight I could feel his heartbeat against my own. He slowly rubbed my back while I gave myself a time to melt into his strong yet soothing smell and his warm yet tight hug. 

"I'm so glad you woke up my love." He spoke against my head as he kept gently stroking my hair. I slowly lifted my hand and finally hugged him back because I was in no state to push him away even if I wanted to. At this every moment I needed this, I needed him. 

He tried to pull away a little, but I didn't let him go, "Please." Was all he needed to hear before I was embraced by his big arms again. I loved this feeling I missed it as much, I don't want him to go anywhere. 

He continued to pat my head, "What happened my love?" He questioned but remained silent I didn't want to talk at all. I needed his presence I needed him to calm me down from my own thoughts to haunt me.  At this very moment was the moment I came to a realization that I cannot live without this man. How did I even think I would survive a day without him? I can't I need him as much as oxygen if not more. 

"Taehyung! kiss me!" I said, he froze. 

                                                                            -To be continued 

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