Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 "I waited for you"

"I have loved you all my life, it has just taken me this long to find you."



I pulled away from his bone crashing hug and looked at his beautiful face, I still remember how his beauty attracted me even before I recognized him, but now that I know that this beautiful, loving, a little well, maybe not little crazy man is mine; I can't seem to find a flaw in him.

"Taehyung-ah?" I sounded out longingly, he looked at me taken a back with a surprised look on his face.

I smiled bopping his nose, "What's with that look?" I asked  playfully.

He smiled looking down, "No one has ever called me like that before." He admitted shyly. I smiled witnessing a new side of him, a shy side. He seem to have so many side of him but he only show few to the world.

"Is it so? Then I'll call you Taehyung-ah  everyday." I smiled looking at his shinning eyes.

He nodded his head, "You wanted to ask something?" He asked, I looked at him deeply.

"If you already knew where I was all this time, why didn't you come and find me before?" I dropped my head remembering my life without him, even though I didn't remember him, I longed for him every day, I waited for him everyday knowing something was missing in my life and it was him.

"_, Do you know, even with messed up memories I was still waiting for you, every day, all those years, I was so lonely." I ranted, I looked up his into his calm eyes, he smiled at me and cupped my right cheek, caressing it slowly.

I leaned to his touch, " I wanted to, but I didn't know if you still remembered me back then, and then I found out you because of the accident you had lost you memories," he sighed,

"_, with each passing day, month and year I grew desperate, so I decided I had to get you back." He said, trailing off at the end his head hung low in embarrassment.

"That was when I send Jimin to help you out of that relationship with Jungkook, I knew you both hated each other. And that's when I decided to get you back to me." He spoke, still not looking at me.

I smiled softly, "You could've just asked me out like normal people, I definitely would have Yes." I teased, he looked up and immediately dropped his head again.

I laughed to myself, "But, to be honest where could be fun in that?, look now, we have a story to tell every." I joked,

"What?" He exclaimed suprised.

"You're not going to public this are you?" He asked eyes open wide, I shrugged carelessly.

"You should have thought about it before." I said, and leaned back on the chair. His eyes turned dull, as he looked away in guilt.

I sighed, "I was kidding, I can't possibly public this, don't want to make other think that my boyfriend is a bipolar sex maniac can I?" I asked, teasing him again.

He looked at me and smirked, "Boyfriend?" He flicked his eyebrows, leaning towards me.

I shake my head, "I also said, bipolar sex maniac." I snorted, putting my hand on his chest preventing any futher closeness.

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