Chapter 44

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||Taehyung ||

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||Taehyung ||

I stared at her face, her beauty still leaving me stunned. With her eyes closed she waited for me to kiss her and that made me smile. Even after what she's been through she is never afraid to show her emotions be it hate or love.

I just wish I was more like her from the beginning.

Leaning closer I brushed my lips again her, she smiled when our lips touched. I closed my eyes ready to feel the strom of butterflies when I kiss her deeply.

I felt our breathe mixing together as our nose brushed each other. I was ready to engulf her lips but_

"Oh what a young couple." I heard a voice that sounded like a old man's voice.

Startled by the voice we jumped away from each other standing at a distance of 1 meter apart. Y/n pretended to see the flower while I looked the owner of the voice.

He was indeed an old man in his late 60s, he worn something that looked like work uniform, I assume he works at this park.

He smiled, "Good to see you here, son." He said, I smiled awkwardly and bowed at him.

"Hello." I said and looked at Y/n she also bowed at the old man keeping her eyes low. Well, it was embarrassing to be walked on by someone who is elderly, so I understand the red blush on her cheeks.

"I work here, You both were watching flower, do you need any?" The man asked. I glanced at Y/n and smiled softly and nodded my head.

"Yes, I want those whit lilies." I said pointing at the flower. He looked at them and then back at me.

He smiled gently, "Are you visiting someone special?" He asked as he moved towards the flower to pick them out for me.

I sighed, "Yes we both are meeting our family." I said, Y/n looked at me shocked, confused.

"Oh, you both are very caring children." He laughed a little and picked out two flowers, he turned to me, "How many do you need?" He asked.

I smiled, "Four." I replied.

Y/n just stood there, her face didn't gave much of her emotions but I understood the pain in her eyes. She understood why I brought her here and who we were about to meet here.

The old man picked four lilies and walked back to me and smiled as he passed me the flowers. He patted my shoulders, "Be strong young man, everything will be okay." He said looking at me and then looked at Y/n and smiled at her.

She bowed him politely and smiled back at him. He nodded and walked away.

I stared down at the flowers in my hand and then at Y/n. She didn't look at me and her head hung low, hiding her eyes.

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