Chapter 76

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"Taehyung Kiss me" I heard those words, yet I wouldn't make a sense out of them. I pulled myself from her and looked at her. She was sweating, her checks blushed red I reached my hand to touch them and as I expected she had fever, her body was burning. I wanted to slap myself to not have noticed that her body was burning with high fever while I hugged her so close. 

"Oh no! You're burning." I stood up to go and grab the doctor, but she caught my wrist. I was confused by her behavior, but I sat back down guessing that's what she wanted. 

"Please stay." She mumbled in a soft voice I melted at the request, but she needed an immediate attention from the doctor I wondered what I was supposed to do. "What is it?" I started. 

Her glittery eyes looked up at me, "I did something horrible." To my surprise she started talking about the incident which I didn't expect judging her condition I though she needed much more time. I saw her hands shivering so I held her hand gently gave her a light squeeze. 

"I promise I didn't plan to do that... I didn't. He was running away I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I thought if I don't shoot him right then and there he'd run away!" 

She paused as tears fell down on my hand, she felt bad of course she did after all she is human with a human feeling and at this moment was guilt. I scooted closer to her and pulled her into my arms again slowly rubbing her back while she sobbed, her hand reached to grab my jacket and she fisted tightly. 

"I-I don't know what do I do now? I'm a criminal now.. I killed someone. I am a murderer." She looked up at me her face red and trails of tears down her burning checks. I wiped her face with my hand. Our eyes meet as if for the first time and I felt the air getting knocked out of my lungs. 

She looked like mess; her hair was all over the place, her checks covered in her own tears, her checks were blushed due to her fever, her lips were red although her lipstick was smudged but to me, she looked pretty. Unknowingly my hand went under her chin and titled her head up for me to take a better look. Another tear just feebly slides down the corner of her eyes, I leaned forward and softly planted my lips on her lips. 

I clearly heard a low moan from her not in a sexual way but that sounded more like breath of relief. My hand moved from her chin to her hair, I pulled her a little closer to me she obliged and to my surprise her arms slowly wrapped my shoulder my whole body shivered at the feeling.

Oh, how I missed her touch, her kisses, her lip and her everything. The kiss itself was slow because it felt like a reunion, and we wanted it to be soft for her after all she was in a state to handle anything rough and strong. I knew the timing and the place of kiss wasn't appropriate, but we didn't mind a little distraction amidst of a storm. It felt like a halt, and we appreciated it. 

I pulled back but she pulled into another kiss, "I need this." she spoke against my lips, so I did what I was supposed to do and kissed her slowly. 

Our moment was cut short when my phone ringed, it was Namjoon and I recalled I told him we needed to talk and so I answered, "Hello" I said. 

"All the work is done." He started, knowing we were going to that topic I pulled myself away Y/n and maybe she knew what call was about she didn't protest. 

"How is Y/n?" He asked before I could even get to a distance from Y/n. 

"She is fine, but she had fever now." I told him to which he didn't say anything to that, so I continued. "Obviously she is shaken to her core about what happened. Can you come to hospital now?" I asked. 

"Well, I happen to have met Jungkook and he doesn't seem okay." Although he didn't answer my question, I understood what he was about to say. 

"Does he wish to meet her?" I asked to which he replied with a hum. I turned to look at Y/n who was fast asleep, I was confused what to do at this situation. Jungkook lost his father at hands of his first love what must he be feeling right now. 

"He says he wants to talk to her a last time before he leaves the city." That threw me in shock as I heard, leave the city? Is he leaving for good? I wondered. 

"Okay I'll prepare her." I told him as I conflicted how was I supposed to do that. Knowing Y/n I was sure Jungkook would be the last person she would want to see right now. Not because of some hate but because of guilt. 


I got my discharge from the hospital a while ago and we were heading back to Taehyung's family house. I was a little reluctant to do so because I was afraid how would his family react to see me after what I had done but he ensured me that no one knows what had happened on that road except him and his men, so I agreed.

The whole ride I was quite not entirely due to the situation but also due to the prior situation that was again caused by me. But even so I couldn't help my brain from going back to playing the flashback of the kiss. The warm and tingly and warm feeling still lingers on my lips, I bit my lips at the intense feeling and the shiver I got at the memories. 

I gulped hard, " Don't think about that Y/n you have other serious thing to think about." I thought to myself, through the corner of my eyes I looked at him as he stared out of the car window. My eyes immediately follow the line of his neck and I recalled the number of times I have buried my face in that neck while he was inside me, my face turned red at the thought. 

I shake my head in order to shake off the feeling and maybe he did notice the movement, so he turned to look at me. 

"Are you feeling okay?" His voice was filled with worries, he leaned in, and his hand reached my face, "Your face is red." His hand touched my face, and my breath hitched a little and of course he noticed that. 

So collecting myself I backed up a little, "Yeah I'm fine actually I feel much better right now."  A little muddled and a lot embarrassed, he appeared to be baffled but didn't question my behaviors, he just nodded and resumed his window gazing. 

I let out a small sigh of relief. What's wrong with me? why is my head going that place of all the times? 

But thank goodness that I didn't have any more time to think about anything else. We are here, I saw the guards open the door. I don't know I felt my stomach twisted for some reason; it felt a little off. 

We got off and he stood by my side, he turned his head and looked down at me and gave me a small smile and nod, I gave him a tight smile as well. He reached out and gently held my hand. "Let's go." 

I nodded and we went inside holding his head, I hate to say but I loved holding his hand which I shouldn't after what I did. But I didn't want to think about anything just for my own peace. 

As we enter the house the first thing, I noticed was the everyone gathered around in the living area and the first person I noticed was the one I expected the least. I immediately froze in my place as I stopped Taehyung also paused and looked at me. 

"What happened?" He asked, I had torn my eyes away from Jungkook who hadn't yet noticed me, and I looked at Taehyung. 

I simply nodded slowly pulling my hand away from him. What is this situation? Why is he here? Did Taehyung know about this? If yes, why would he take me here if he already knew about him being here. 

When I looked back up his eyes met mine and I stopped breathing. "Y/n you're here!" He said, his eyes looking blank. I wish I could just run away from here right now, but I stood glued on my spot. 

                                                                           -To be continued 

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