"i can't drown my demons, they know how to swim."

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"I'll be there in fifteen minutes, sir

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"I'll be there in fifteen minutes, sir. I'm sorry."

Jeongin muttered his apology to the supervisor of the cafe, his voice barely audible as he chewed on his lower lip nervously. He watched as the supervisor let out a sigh before hanging up the phone. Glancing at his phone's lock screen, he noted the time-7:15 in the morning. He realized he needed to hurry or risk being an hour late.

He placed the phone on the desk, his gaze shifting to the items scattered across its surface. There was a lamp, the keyring, and his photos-one with Chan, taken on his birthday, and another with his mother and father, his real family. These photos represented both his past and present, his found family and his biological one, all intertwined in a delicate balance.

Cracking a small smile, he hurried to the bathroom to freshen up. Knowing he didn't have time for breakfast, he quickly grabbed both his breakfast and lunch and stuffed them into his sling bag. He dressed in a hoodie and warm pants, preparing himself for the chilly morning air, before stepping out of the mansion.

As he approached the waiting car, he noticed his bodyguards anxiously checking their watches. Jay quickly hopped into the driver's seat as he saw the younger, while Agust couldn't help but voice his concern, "Why are you so late today, sir?"

Settling into the backseat, the younger flashed his bodyguards a sheepish smile. "I overslept," he confessed, feeling a pang of guilt for making them wait. "I'm sorry you had to wait for me."

He adjusted the sling bag on his lap before making a request, "Can you drive a little faster today?"

"Sure, sir, make yourself comfortable," Jay replied. August settled into the seat beside him as he started the car, the imposing gates of the mansion swinging open to allow them passage. With a smooth acceleration, they merged onto the road, leaving the mansion behind them.

Jeongin watched the scenery blur outside the window as the car sped along, overtaking other vehicles with ease. The journey passed swiftly, and before he knew it, they arrived at the Grove Back Cafe in just under ten minutes.

He hurriedly stepped out of the car, offering a quick, "thank you," to the bodyguards before darting into the cafe as the doorbell chimed softly. Inside, he was greeted by the bustling activity of the morning rush-the workers preparing for the day ahead and a few early customers already seated and sipping on their drinks.

He swiftly placed his sling bag on the designated staff table and donned an apron, preparing himself for the busy day ahead. Adjusting the straps and tying them securely around his waist, he took a moment to gather his thoughts before diving into his tasks for the day.

The bodyguards parked the car and followed the younger into the cafe, taking a random table to sit as they usually did. They blended into the background, ensuring their presence didn't draw any unnecessary attention while keeping a watchful eye on their charge.

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