"you got me losing patience."

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"Foxes, well, they're kind of like unpredictable little rascals

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"Foxes, well, they're kind of like unpredictable little rascals. Sometimes they're all skittish and shy, you know, hiding in the shadows, but then in the blink of an eye, they turn all bold and nosy, like they own the place!"

The phone's speaker filled the room with the narration as Jeongin and Chan remained captivated by the screen, absorbing the wisdom about foxes.

"Unpredictable," Chan whispered, his gaze drifting to Jeongin's face. Just like him, he mused.

"Just like me?" Jeongin asked, tilting his head.

Chan's eyes widened, did I think that out loud? He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "What, did you hear something?" he replied, trying to play it off.

"Maybe," Jeongin mumbled, his gaze returning to the phone screen.

"From chicken dinners to gopher snacks, they've got a diverse palate. And when it comes to romance, well, they're not the most patient bunch. Just a once-a-year date night, and boom, up to 14 little fox babies! Those little rascals only open their eyes around two weeks later."

Chan's attention was fixed on Jeongin's face, their bodies snugly tucked under the warm blanket, covering them up to their waists. They were close, yet there was a subtle distance between them.

He studied the younger man's face, his sharp and captivating eyes. They possessed a sharpness but were tinged with something he couldn't quite place. "Vulnerability" might not be the perfect term, but there was no denying that Jeongin's eyes were exquisite-dreamy, almost entrancing, like a deep, mesmerizing pool.

And he found himself wishing to lose himself in those eyes, to be lost in their depths, with no desire to resurface for the rest of his days.

Since when did I start thinking like this?

Chan wondered, and quickly averted his gaze from Jeongin. He knew he was in love, but these feelings were... different.

"Since the moment you risked your life to save Jeongin's, my dear." The author chimed in, reminding Chan.

Chan noticed a tiny, almost minuscule girl perched on his head, gently tugging at his hair. "Can you hear me?" she asked.

Chan released a low groan. "Yes, I can hear you. Stop tugging my hair and go away; I'm trying to have a moment with Jeongin."

"What a rude person," the minuscule girl remarked. "Best of luck, I guess." She smirked and vanished.

Chan released a sigh and soon noticed Jeongin trying to get his attention. "Hyung, hyung, are you there?" Jeongin waved his hand in front of Chan's face.

Chan blinked and nodded. "Uh, yes," he replied, bemused by the bizarre encounter. It made him question his sanity.

Did I accidentally ingest something? I'm a dealer, not a user.

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