"different? no, i'm unique."

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"What if it's simply him comforting Jeongin or something?" the consigliere inquired, nonchalantly munching on his cheesecake

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"What if it's simply him comforting Jeongin or something?" the consigliere inquired, nonchalantly munching on his cheesecake.

"And what if it's them engaging in some... dirty stuff?" the underboss quirked an eyebrow, casually nibbling on his chicken breast.

"Hmm," Jisung gave a nod, indicating the older one with his fork, "If that's the case, you'll earn a cool 1,000,000₩ from me."



And just like that, they rose from their seats, strolling toward the bathroom as if it were an everyday occurrence. Casually, they pushed open the door, peeking inside.

"You take the front position; I don't want a rerun of breaking my back because of your excitement ," Jisung whispered softly.

"Fine, it wasn't my fault, though. You exaggerated it with your 'Changbin hyung, look!' like they were about to perform gymnastics," Changbin muttered, taking the frontline as Jisung peeked over his shoulder.

Jeongin found himself on the bathroom counter as Chris examined his wound. The older dampened some tissue paper, saying, "Let me clean it first..."

Jeongin shifted slightly on the slab, absentmindedly bouncing his leg back and forth. He stopped as he felt the cool touch on his wound. In a soft whisper, he uttered, "I'm not a kid, hyung..."

The mafia leader hummed, "I know, I know, but you need to be taken care of," he said, gently wiping the blood off Jeongin's knee.

Jeongin remained silent, observing Chris as he tended to his wound. Watching the older man squat down, he couldn't help but think, "He's not just showing off, is he? If he only wanted to use me, he would've done it much earlier, right? He... cares about me."

"Yet, a part of me is still scared. Even in just a few days, Chan hyung has cared for me like no one else did. He's always been gentle and patient... even now." Jeongin sighed, his fingers tightly gripping the slab, a sudden impulse to run his fingers through the older man's hair crossing his mind.

The older carefully applied the ointment he had obtained from one of the restaurant staff to Jeongin's wound. With a gentle touch, he pulled out two bandages, skillfully placing them over the injured area.

"All done," Chris mumbled, looking up at the younger who seemed lost in his thoughts and gazing elsewhere. Grinning playfully, he took the opportunity to place a gentle kiss on Jeongin's wounded knee.

It was a feather-light kiss, so delicate that even Jeongin might not have felt it, or maybe he did. The older gazed at him with eyes full of hearts, thinking, "I could come back to life for him... no matter how deep the grave is."

"Jeongin..." He whispered gently, tapping on his legs as he stood up, bringing the younger out of his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Changbin got all excited again. He moved back with force, his hands raised in the air as if caught by the police. "Woah, woah... did I witness a kiss?"

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