"i have formed the habit of (dis)liking you."

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The bright morning sun streamed in through the cafe's glass windows as Jeongin carefully brewed a coffee for an order he had just taken

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The bright morning sun streamed in through the cafe's glass windows as Jeongin carefully brewed a coffee for an order he had just taken. He wore a cute pink pullover, and a crisp white apron covered it. His hands trembled ever so slightly, and he made an effort to tune out the background chatter of the cafe's patrons.

Jeongin skillfully prepared a cappuccino, his hands working with precision as he frothed the milk and poured it gently over the espresso.

He placed the mug on the plate and carefully held it, his hands still trembling slightly.

Don't be nervous, Jeongin,

he repeated to himself as he walked over to the table.

Jeongin reached the table, his smile friendly but tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Here's your cappuccino, ma'am," he said gently, placing the plate in front of the customer. "Enjoy your drink, and if you need anything else, just let me know."

The customer, a young woman, nodded with a kind smile. "Thank you, dear."

A few hours passed in a similar manner, with Jeongin serving customers and trying to quell his nerves. As the morning rush began to subside, he realized it was his lunchtime. Although he didn't feel particularly hungry, he knew this might be his only opportunity to eat, so he sat down in a chair to grab a quick bite.

Jeongin took out his lunch box, a warm smile gracing his lips as he opened it. It was a thoughtful gesture from Chan, who had secretly slipped the lunch box into Jeongin's bag earlier. While Jeongin had noticed the kind act, he didn't mention it. All he knew was that this lunch had come from his "home."

Chan had secretly asked the chefs to prepare a special lunch just for Jeongin early in the early morning, but he didn't feel the need to let Jeongin in on this little secret.

Jeongin continued to eat his lunch, and as he did, he took out the phone that Chan had given him earlier that morning. He scrolled through his contacts, finding that Chan's, Changbin's, Jisung's, and his two bodyguards' numbers were already saved. He couldn't help but think,

how thoughtful...

Jeongin was about to set his phone aside after checking his contacts, but then he heard a notification sound. It was a newspaper article recommendation. Intrigued, he tapped on it to see what it was about.

Allegations of Collusion: Law Enforcement Tied to Criminals and Mafias as Drugs Found in Police Residence

Jeongin's stomach churned as he read the words "criminals" and "mafias." He felt like he might throw up everything he had eaten. Quickly, he turned off his phone and took a sip of water.


At four thirty-five p.m., the cafe remained bustling with activity. Baristas scurried to take orders, customers engaged in conversations, and a servant was receiving an earful from Mr. Park in his office. The melodious chime of the door rang out as another person walked into the cafe.

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