"knives and coffee steam."

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Hyunjin's visions blurred as he held the butterfly knife in his hands tightly. The mannequins, and the people seemed to disappear infront of him, but he didn't dared to let his tears fall. Today's training was focused on knife assault, something he desperately wanted to master.

The capo, seungli, who already showed the group how to attack for today's training and now everyone was practicing with mannequins, but hyunjin couldn't move a limb. His thoughts had him occupied and he didn't notice a person watching him.

"You're nothing but a worthless little piece of shit!"

His mother's voice echoed hauntingly in his ears. He could still feel the pain in his hands and the way blood gushed through it when he had accidentally cut them while chopping vegetables. Instead of showing concern, his mother had only cared about the mess he made.

Hyunjin moved his hands, replicating the movements done by the capo earlier. The mannequin was right infront of him yet could see himself and his mom.

His mom forced him to help in her cooking again. When I say "help" she made him do all the work, using the excuse that he should know these things as an only child. Hyunjin didn't mind, but he didn't want to hold knives anymore. He felt scared of knives, afraid that he might accidentally hurt himself again.

And he did, but instead of reassuring him, his mother slapped him, "dumb boy! can't do anything right!"

With a sudden burst of anger, Hyunjin struck the mannequin's neck with force, the knife getting stuck. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and his throat burned with emotions as he closed his eyes, trying to push back the painful memories.

"Huh, the strongest soldier I know!"

A came voice from behind, snapping Hyunjin back to reality. He turned to see Jisung smirking at him. The words stung, as if Jisung knew the turmoil inside him.

"What do you want now?" Hyunjin said, clearly frustrated as he agressivly wiped his tears. Jisung was the last person he wanted to see after what happened. Sure jisung was a consigliere but that didn't give him the right to treat his underlings with cruelty.

"You can't give me anything, you peasant. I was checking our army system and found you, a pathetic boy who cries!" Jisung mocked, a chuckle leaving his mouth at the last part.

"Why do you exactly care if I cry or not, it's none of your business, you know nothing about me!" Hyunjin retorted, his anger growing more by each passing second.

"And? Do I want to know?" Jisung rolled his eyes, smiling goofily as he walked towards Hyunjin with his hands in his pockets. "I don't want weak and worthless people like you in our army system."

Weak and worthless...

Hyunjin felt tears forming in his eyes again as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He knew he was playing with fire, trying his best to hide the fear in his voice as he stuttered, "I am not w-weak... I know what kind of an asshole person you are, and I won't be intimidated by you."

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