"can we be, be eachother's company?"

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The sakura petals cascaded from the tree, mimicking the gentle descent of rain on a mountain or moonlight to the ground—a reflection of Chan's feelings for Jeongin: unhurried, delicate, and exquisite

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The sakura petals cascaded from the tree, mimicking the gentle descent of rain on a mountain or moonlight to the ground—a reflection of Chan's feelings for Jeongin: unhurried, delicate, and exquisite. Jeongin reached out, allowing the soft pink blossoms to land gracefully in his palm, collecting them with a smile.

"Channie hyung, would you mind if I..." Jeongin started, picking a small blossom and delicately placing it on Chan's cheek. Chan had his eyes closed, resting his head on the younger's lap. "If I ask about your parents?"

"My parents," the older said softly, "um, no." He sighed, keeping his eyes closed. "Well, they were... kind." Not like me, he thought. "They were always... happy and caring." He went on, "They loved eachother, and they loved me." A chuckle left his lips, "I wish I could have returned their love, but it was beyond my capacity... beyond anyone's. I witnessed my father tirelessly working, bringing home food that he should have enjoyed himself. And my mother... she was truly beautiful."

When he didn't receive any responses from the younger, he opened his eyes, noting a somber expression on Jeongin's face. Despite the darkness in his features, his eyes held a hint of sadness and a few tears in them. Concerned, Chan inquired with a gentle smile, "Jeongin? Are you alright? Did I share too much?"

Jeongin blinked away tears, emerging from his thoughts. "No, I appreciate you for sharing. It's just..." He bit his lip, delicately placing another blossom on the bridge of Chan's nose. "...your parents seemed lovely. I don't know if I should say this or not, but I feel like we're quite similar, yet our lives are different."

The older hummed, closing his eyes once more. "Our lives might be different, but... you've become a significant part of mine, Jeongin, even if you see me merely as an acquaintance."

The younger's eyes widened, "Hey, I didn't say that! You're... you're the only one I have, hyung. I can't imagine what life would be like without you." He expressed his feelings with a touch of vulnerability, his fingers gently tapping on the sides of Chan's cheeks.

"What are you doing?"

"Face massage," jeongin replied.

"For free?"

They both chuckled, and the older nodded gently, "Continue with your massage; it feels good." His face lit up with a big smile. "I'm happy that you feel good with me—that's the only thing I want. I'll always be there."

The young barista maintained the rhythmic motion of his fingers, tapping and tracing calming circles on the mafia leader's cheeks. A warm smile adorned his face as he delicately poked the dimple that formed on Chan's right cheek. "Your cheeks," he remarked, "are so soft, like mochi."

"Mochi, huh?" The older smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and his ears turning a subtle shade of red. "Well, I think it's all because of your massage."

The younger's cheeks tinged with a warm shade of pink, the unexpected surge of courage bringing a hint of boldness to his actions. Each moment seemed to be unfolding in a strangely pleasing way. With a playful grin, Jeongin delicately set another pink blossom on Chan's forehead. "Can't let you down; after all, you're my first client."

The older chuckled, "Well, you're doing great for your first time," he applauded with a gentle clapping of his hands. Chan then shifted his head closer to the boy's lap, almost to the point where his face brushed against the fabric of Jeongin's t-shirt at his waist.

The younger gasped lightly, his heart suddenly quickening its pace, yet he maintained his composure. "Thank you," he smiled, "Are you planning to get any special services?" He chuckled softly, gently running his index finger along Chan's jawline.

The mafia leader smirked, "Special service, hmm? Well, if you're truly willing to provide that, consider yourself hired as my personal masseur."

Jeongin couldn't believe how casual and playful their conversation had become, feeling an unexpected sense of comfort. Chan, with closed eyes, allowed Jeongin to continue tracing his fingers over his face. The mafia leader's heart now felt calm. Relaxed. It was as if every negative aspect of him had dissipated the moment his head rested on Jeongin's lap. Vulnerability felt like rebirth, and Chan embraced it, allowing himself to be vulnerable in the delicate hands of the boy.

After a brief pause, Chan decided to strike up a conversation. "So, Jeongin, um, what did you want to be when you were younger?" Despite the simplicity of his question, he was genuinely trying to engage with the young barista.

Jeongin pondered for a second, "I dreamt of becoming a priest or perhaps a kindergarten teacher," he confessed with a shy chuckle. "And now, look at me—working as a barista and giving a face massage to a mafia leader." Continuing, he sighed, "Everything changed drastically since I came to Seoul."

Chan opened his eyes, a hint of confusion in them. "Came to Seoul? How long have you been here, Jeongin?"

"Five years. I left my hometown, Busan, after my parents... yeah, and my uncle brought me here. He... promised to give me a better life," Jeongin mumbled, his voice void of emotion, as if narrating a story—a story without a happy ending. His story.

The older sighed, his expression shifting. "What did he do?" His protective instincts flared, a darkness settling in his eyes. The mere thought of anyone hurting Jeongin fueled a surge of anger within him. He had heard bits about Jeongin's uncle and the characterization of him being "bad," and it was beginning to grate on his nerves. If he ever got his hands on the person responsible for hurting Jeongin...

A shiver traced Jeongin's spine, and he hastily intervened, "Channie hyung, calm down..." Acting on instinct, he gently placed a sizable blossom on the older's lips, bringing a momentary pause to the rising intensity. Sighing as Chan's mouth was momentarily sealed, he continued, "...it's alright. I'm here; that's all that matters. I'm away from all that, and I'm thankful for it." Trying to steer clear of the question, he didn't want Chan to see how fragile and pathetic he could be.

Chan's gaze softened, like to a big bad wolf turning into a comforting puppy. Just as he was on the verge of speaking, Jeongin delicately removed the blossom from Chan's lips, his fingers briefly caressing the older's mouth.

His. Breath. Hitched.

Biting his lower lip, Chan attempted to regain composure, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. "What the fuck was I about to say? How did I forget?" Gathering himself, he finally spoke, his tone earnest, "Jeongin... I will always keep you safe."

Jeongin mustered a smile, his fingers gently resting on Chan's shoulders. Observing children playing around them, he tapped on Chan's cheek, prompting the older to open his eyes. "Hyung... hyung, can we play?"

♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : author's note: :;

Okay, so i have a test tomorrow,
and i studied alot (in my heart).
please, send help ㅜㅜ

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