"curiosity killed the c̶a̶t snail."

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"Yoon's been gone for four days, and there's still no trace of Skyler," remarked Chris, his eyes scanning the screens as he took a drag from his cigarette

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"Yoon's been gone for four days, and there's still no trace of Skyler," remarked Chris, his eyes scanning the screens as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"He's not much of a threat, boss," the consigliere replied casually. "We've handled guys like him plenty of times."

"Never underestimate your opponent, Jisung," the underboss retorted, meeting his gaze. He extracted a cigarette, tapping it against Chris's before lighting it up and placing it between his lips.

"I understand," Jisung sighed. "It's just that we've never faltered in situations like this before. He's bound to get caught, no matter what."

In the dimly lit room filled with the soft glow of computer screens, the trio sat amidst a few individuals diligently working on security and hacking tasks. When a man entered, their attention turned towards him, though they suppressed the urge to roll their eyes.

"Yoon, got something?" Chris inquired, his tone expectant.

Junseo nodded as he stepped into the room, casting a quick glance at the array of computers. "Skyler's real name is actually Kim Seungmin," he disclosed, his tone matter-of-fact.

"Sit, and enlighten us," the consigliere gestured towards an empty chair, prompting the officer to join them.

Taking a seat beside Chris, Junseo glanced at the screens displaying various data, his expression unreadable. Meanwhile, Chan's eyes narrowed slightly, a wave of disgust washing over him as he recalled Jeongin's account of his encounter with Junseo. The audacity... he seethed inwardly, clenching his fists on his lap. I can easily strangle him right now, he thought, but this isn't the right moment for it.

"Seungmin has been in the police force for two years," Junseo began, his voice steady. "He commenced the undercover mission four months back."

"So, he's not as experienced or cunning as we presumed?" Changbin raised an eyebrow, questioning the associate's assessment.

"And who was just warning us not to underestimate our enemies?" Jisung interjected, his tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

The underboss and the boss shot him a stern look before Chris inquired further, "What else have you uncovered about him?"

"He's been quite cautious, but we've managed to track him down. He frequents a café called... Groove Back," Junseo revealed.

"Groove Back..." The trio exchanged knowing glances, their minds buzzing with possibilities. As the mafia leader processed the information, a nagging thought persisted. Seungmin's investigation into drug trafficking could lead us to him. This is valuable intel. However, amidst the strategic considerations, another name lingered in Chris's mind, disrupting his focus. Evelyn... Why does he pursuit seem to extend beyond Jeongin?

"Sir! There's been some commotion in the basement's back room!"

The trio sprang into action, throwing away the cigarettes, quickly making their way to the woman who was monitoring the security feeds. Junseo trailed behind, his curiosity piqued. "It seems like an unauthorized individual has gained access and is heading towards the asset management room," she reported, her eyes fixed on the screen as she explained the situation.

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