"there when he cried, you saved his life."

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"I want to return to my old house

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"I want to return to my old house."

Chan froze, his toothbrush still in hand. It was as if the ground had shifted beneath him, leaving him grasping for stability. His mind raced with questions and doubts. Return to his old house? But why? Why does he want to leave? Did I do something to upset him?

Taking a deep breath, he composed himself before rinsing his mouth and turning to face his companion. "Is there something wrong here?" he inquired, concerned.

Jeongin shook his head, his lips curling into a gentle smile. "There's nothing wrong here," he began, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "Actually, everything feels just a bit too perfect..." ...except for the occasional violence, he mused silently, but, truth be told, it doesn't bother me... It's part of this world, and I trust him.

"And?" The older's gaze sharpened with curiosity. "What's prompting this sudden... need to go back?" he inquired, his thoughts racing. It's not as if I wish to confine him to a cage, but he made it clear he didn't want to revisit that house of horrors.

Avoiding direct eye contact, the younger's gaze wandered, fixating on the toothbrushes and the rhythmic tap of the running water from the tap. "I just... feel the need to collect some of my belongings and spend a moment there," he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

He pressed on, mustering up his courage. Inhaling deeply, he steeled himself before speaking, "Because I want to stay here... where I belong," he confessed, meeting the older man's gaze with sincerity. "And also because... I have nowhere else to go," he added, his voice vulnerable.

"You have me," the older reassured, he corners of his eyes dipped slightly, he reached out, his hand finding its place on the younger's shoulder. "You can visit your old house for an hour or two... But let me come with you, alright?" His word were a promise to stand by his side.

"Alright," the younger nodded in response, his movements fluid as he finished freshening up, taking a moment to tidy up the bathroom before turning his attention back to the older man. Changing the topic, he shifted gears as he inquired, "How's your hangover treating you? Any headaches?"

Chan sheepishly smiled, the corners of his lips lifting in a small, apologetic gesture. "Yeah, there's a bit of a headache, but nothing too unbearable," he admitted, running the soft towel over his face to dry off.

"I'll survive," he added with a faint chuckle, his mind drifting back to the events of the previous night. It had been quite the experience, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret that he had almost let slip something he had been keeping to himself for far too long.

Jeongin leaned against the wall, his hands idly by his side as he watched the older freshen up. "You should have some lemonade," he suggested, his tone gentle as he tried to offer some relief for the hangover. Unsure of why he was lingering in the bathroom, perhaps it was the familiarity of the moment, or maybe he just wanted to be there for Chan...

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