Ch29: Hardest To Love

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Alexia's POV:

I can't believe I confessed to Cid! It seemed like he wanted to tell me something though but I fell asleep and by this morning he'd seemingly already left. The note on the dresser said that he had to return to the capital for an emergency so I understand though I wish he'd woken me up. We could've gone back together. 

No matter. He was nice enough to ensure I was served breakfast and had a luxury carriage ready to bring me wherever I wanted to go. For fun, I even asked the coachman if he'd bring me all the way to Oriana if I asked and the man actually said he would! He wouldn't tell me how much he was paid but after hearing how serious he was about taking me all the way to Oriana...

Claire: So are you going to tell me why you actually stopped and picked me up?

Oh right, she's still here.

Me: Well, I was passing by and noticed you were heading in the same direction and figured we should have a chat.

Claire: There's nothing for us to speak about, Your Highness.

She begins reaching for the handle, clearly prepared to jump from the moving carriage.

Me: It's about Cid.

Claire: What about him?

Me: I want to marry him.

At that, she releases the handle and sits back down. I'm expecting her to draw her sword and attempt to strike me down or even for her to argue with me over it but she merely sits composed and collected.

Claire: Is that all?

Me: Didn't you hear what I said? I'm planning on marrying him.

Claire: I knew that already. In fact, I believe those were the arrangements outlined by the King.

Me: I don't mean as a part of some competition. 

Claire: Oh?

Me: I mean to marry him the proper way, with a proposal, engagement ceremony and all.

Claire: You want my blessing? Is that it?

Me: Well, since we'd become sisters-in-law, I figured it'd be best if I spoke with you about it first.

Claire: What did Cid say?

Me: He didn't say no...well, he actually said if I get pregnant he'd marry-

Claire: Did you say pregnant?

She grabs me by the shoulder, shaking me vigorously as she asks if I'm pregnant and if the child is her brother's. 

Claire: ANSWER ME!


The carriage is suddenly flung to the side, throwing Claire and me out onto the ground. My head hits the ground hard, my vision going red before fading to black.



????: Hee Hee! I can't believe I got two!

Me: Mmmm...

I slowly regain consciousness to find myself strapped to a table, hands and feet bound tightly. Turning my head reveals Claire who seems at first to be unconscious. I try whispering to garner her attention but it proves fruitless, especially once the voice from before returns accompanied by a physical form.

????: Well, well. You're both awake.

He walks over to Claire, who immediately begins thrashing against her chains when he reaches for her clothes but he doesn't seem to mind as he pulls her clothing off leaving her in nothing but her underwear.

The Eminence In Shadow (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin