Ch27: Starry Eyes

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Alexia's POV:

It's been days since I last saw Cid. Honestly, I'd have joined Claire in her manhunt for Beatrix after she picked him up and ran if not for an anonymous tip that he was safely residing in the recently built Mitsugoshi Hotel. I'd gone by on various occasions to see him but I was always told that the building wasn't yet opened to the public. Given I didn't want to cause a scene, I accepted this explanation but with a week nearing with no word, I'm starting to get worried.

There are so many things I have to ask him such as whether he's involved with Shadow Garden and what's the real identity of that girl I saw following his orders and calling him boss during the fight in the arena. She's strong, far too strong to have gone unnoticed for this long given how violent she was when dismembering her foes. She almost reminds me of that girl I'd seen following that Alpha woman from Shadow Garden when they infiltrated the Sanctuary but they can't be the same person, can they.

Me: Why can't I remember what she looks like?

Iris: Sister, are you still worrying over Princess Rose?

Me: Huh?

Iris: Then are you worried about your boyfriend?

Me: H-He's not my boyfriend!

The second the words leave my mouth, I cover my face with my hands in shock and embarrassment. Iris, grinning like a maniac, continues teasing me until I finally relent and admit that we're dating which Iris confirms she already knew given it was part of the reason for the whole "fight in the arena" thing or father had initiated. Sensing an opportunity, I turn to face her.

Me: What do you think I should do?

Iris: What do you mean?

Me: I want to see him but-

Iris: They aren't allowing you to enter the hotel?

Me: How did you-

Iris: The Crimson Order reports to me, you know.

Me: You could at least pretend I have some level of privacy.

Iris: Would you prefer I lie?

Me: I suppose not.

Iris: Well, since we're being truthful, I recently got a report that Cid has seemingly temporarily moved back into the dorms. He's apparently using a spare room so as to not draw his sister's attention.

She hands me the report and after a quick overview, it's easy to realise he hasn't actually moved in but rather merely came to collect a few things that had been left behind when staff from Mitsugoshi had turned up at the dorms and taken most of his things. I'd protested at the time but with official letters both from Cid and his father, there was little the school could do. Now, however, if he's here then perhaps I can finally get answers.

Me: Wait, how did you get this information?

Iris: Do you really want to know?

I eye her warily at that. 


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