Ch5: Terrorists (1)

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Due to my supposed injuries, I was granted a few days from school. I didn't have much to do with them so I spent most of those days merely lounging in bed though I did have the occasional visit from my sister who despite berating me over getting myself hurt, still went to great lengths to ensure I was okay.

Now that I'm back, I can't help but notice the others are treating me a bit nicer. Even my classmates, including girls who'd usually ignore my very existence, have started stopping by to say hi in the mornings. It's a different feeling, sure, almost reminds me of that girl from my past who'd often try to talk to me in the locker room.

I'm not sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, it goes against the ideal life of a background character which was what my initial goal entailed but on the other hand, it plays rather nicely with my current goal pertaining to a relationship with a main character like Alexia.

Me: What to do...

Skel: Is something going on right now?

Po: They're going to explain the upcoming student election and how it works.

Skel: Election? Please, we all know it's just gonna be the kids from the top families who're going to get whatever position is on offer so why even bother?

Po: Yeah, but-

Skel: The third years aren't even here this week so why even bother?

Po: They're out for that student program-

Skel: Lucky bastards. I wish I was a part of such extra-curricular activities.

 I wish I was a part of such extra-curricular activities

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At least these two haven't changed. It's almost comical how in this setting, their characters fit the role of background characters so perfectly. Anything you'd expect from such a role, they have it in abundance.

Rose: Excuse me, everyone. I'd like to thank you for giving us your time today.

Looking up, I'm at first surprised to see the girl I'd recently fought entering the room. She's accompanied by another girl who seems to be playing the role of support character but apart from that I can't quite place the face with a name., though I'm certain I've seen her regularly while here at the academy.

, though I'm certain I've seen her regularly while here at the academy

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