Ch3: Imposters

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By the time I make it back to Mitsugoshi for my meeting with Gamma, the streets of the capital city are fairly empty. Certain parts of the city still have some activity but for the most part, the district within which the shopping complex is located is deserted. 

I'm met at the door by the girl who'd been assigned to assist me. She greets me professionally before leading me inside. As we walk through the well-lit hallways, I'm tempted to ask how she came to work for Gamma but before I can decide on whether I should ask or not, we arrive at ou destination.

Two girls, dressed similarly to my companion, push open large doors leading into a massive hall where I'm greeted by a host of girls, all dressed in the signature black and gold cloaks I've grown accustomed to seeing associated with Shadow Shadows. However, I never had this many girls...I wonder how much Gamma is paying them to play their parts.

As I enter the hall, my eyes are immediately drawn to the throne at the far end of the room. There, Gamma stands beside it awaiting my arrival. The girls lining the full length of the room each bows their heads as I pass by, Gamma herself stepping down from the throne's elevated position to properly greet me. 

One would think walking down a short flight of stairs would be easy for such a strong woman...she fails, miserably, managing to land flat on her face and damaging her nose in the process. As girls come forward with rehearsed precision to assist her, I'm left thinking fondly of the time we first met. She was just as clumsy as this back then too, even before i gave her power. For almost everyone else, my power placed a drastic change in them but not her. She's the same clutz she used to be. 

Gamma: Please, milord. Have a seat.

Smiling, I comply, sitting on the throne as all the girls kneel before me in unison. The power I feel is immense but the moment is short-lived as Gamma soon directs things towards the reasons she requested my presence.

She first updates me on the state of the business, going over how she used the "wisdom" I granted her to create the successful business we see today. She also mentions that though the others wished to greet me, she's the only one of the Seven who is currently in the capital. 

After seeing the sheer amount of wealth she's accumulated, I honour her by rewarding her with a token display of my power, imparting my "blessing" to which she thanks me heartily. 

Once we're done with the formalities, however, Gamma stands and the others stand with her

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Once we're done with the formalities, however, Gamma stands and the others stand with her. The room goes cold as the meeting takes on a completely different tone. Her face goes stone-cold, leaving me wondering just how much of the wealth she spent on acting classes.

Gamma: I had intended to inform you about the actions of the group going around and committing murders within the capital under the name of Shadow Garden but with your intervention we were able to interrogate one of their members.

Nu, the girl she'd left to assist me earlier, now steps forward while Gamma goes off on not knowing that I'd already known about the imposters and had fabricated a plan to handle them. Nu begins explaining the results of her findings but all I can think about is how I'm going to respond.

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