Duelling Tournament Part #2

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The students were all called in by McGonagall, with Y/N being the centre of peoples attention as people talked about him vs Malfoy being on the cards, with Y/N's dorm mates all discussing how many people would have their hopes of winning by Y/N just to get to Malfoy, after all, it was no big secret that Y/N was one of the best duellists in the school, he took on Snape, Professor Lupin, and Sirius Black in the year just passed, and he was the victor until Harry caught him off guard.

Y/N was about to enter when he heard a voice from over his shoulder.


"Father." Y/N said coldly as he turned to look at him. "You should be in there."

Introducing Daniel Craig as Garrick Orion Dangerson - L/N

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Introducing Daniel Craig as Garrick Orion Dangerson - L/N

"I know." Garrick said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"So you're out here for a reason, which is?"

"I just wanted to tell you to do what you do best..." Garrick said as Y/N looked at him.

"What's that?"

"Win." Garrick said before passing Y/N, patting him on the shoulder as Y/N looked confused for a moment before heading inside the room, his wand in it's holster.

"Our first fights will be Y/N L/N vs Daphne Greengrass, Draco Malfoy vs Harry Potter, Hermione Granger vs Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley vs Cormac McLaggen, Ginny Weasley vs Milicent Bulstrode, Padma Patil vs Blaise Zabini, Hannah Abbott vs Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe vs Parvati Patil. After your third loss you will be eliminated from the tournament." McGongall announced as Y/N looked at them all before looking to Daphne

"Y/N, don't hold back, I'm in the way of you getting to Malfoy, so you give me your best and you save my sister." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her and nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too. And Daphne, you know this thing with Astoria, you know I wouldn't do that do you or her don't you?"

"I know." Daphne said as they assumed their positions.


Y/N and Daphne started duelling, the pair of them instantly locking spells.

Y/N looked to Daphne who's eyes widened when she saw her spell pushing further against Y/N's, he then looked to Lucius Malfoy in the crowd before letting out a huff, and putting everything he could muster into the spell, pushing it up to Daphne, s...

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Y/N looked to Daphne who's eyes widened when she saw her spell pushing further against Y/N's, he then looked to Lucius Malfoy in the crowd before letting out a huff, and putting everything he could muster into the spell, pushing it up to Daphne, sending her flying back and landing on her arse.

Daphne sent spell after spell at him as he advanced, she kipped up to her feet and pushed back, still sending spell after spell at Y/N, testing his defensive capabilities. She managed to hit him on to toe but he swished his wand.

"Accio laces."

Daphne stunned him with stupify while using her wand to do her laces back up, the brief distraction was all Y/N needed.

"Expelliarmus!" Y/N cast, Daphne's wand flew from her hand and into Y/N's open hand.

"Y/N L/N has defeated Daphne Greengrass in their first duel. And Harry Potter has defeated Draco Malfoy in their first duel." McGonagall announced as Y/N was moved over to face Harry while Draco was moved over to face Daphne who knew she would need to take another loss to let Draco get a chance to face Y/N in the last part of this stage, her sister was counting on her to play this right.

"Alright Harry?"

"Better now I've kicked Draco's arse." Potter said as Y/N smiled.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to go easy on you, I need to face Draco." Y/N said as Harry smirked.

"Good, I've always wanted to see who'd win." Harry said with a friendly but competitive smirk.

"Hope you're ready to lose Potter. I'm not leaving here without what I came to get, right now... you're in my way." Y/N said as they took their positions.


Y/N and Harry instantly began duelling back and forth, the two locked in an even battle as Y/N pushed against Harry before sidestepping out of the way of a spell.

"Hermione Granger has defeated Pansy Parkinson and Ron Weasley has defeated Cormac McLaggen." McGonagall announced.

Y/N ducked under a spell before getting an angle on Harry.

"Diffindo!" Y/N cast on Harry's hand, Potter Winced but didn't drop his wand like Y/N had hoped for, but he was provided with an opening. "Stupify!"

Y/N hit Harry with the stunner before Potter quickly recovered and hit Y/N with a stunner in return, Y/N was dazed for a moment before dropping to the floor on his back, avoiding another spell, Y/N cast a depulso at Harry before crawling backwards and sending a Levioso at Harry's left leg, he rolled out of the way of an incoming Stupify from Harry.

Potter while levitated upside down, cast Expelliarmus at Y/N who avoided it before casting depulso at his floating friend, sending Harry flying off of the stage.

As Y/N climbed to his feet, he looked at Potter who stood up and smirked at Y/N.

"Tricky bastard." Harry remarked earning a smile from Y/N who shook hands with him.

"Y/N L/N has beaten Harry Potter in their duel. And Draco Malfoy has beaten Daphne Greengrass in her duel." McGonagall announced as Harry moved over to face Daphne, and Y/N moved over to face Weasley, Hermione moved to face Draco and knew she too had to take a loss to let Draco get to face Y/N.

"Ron." Y/N said as he looked Weasley in the eyes.


"I'm guessing you you're not going to go easy on me are you?"

"No chance." Ron said as Y/N nodded.

"Good... makes it easier to do this." Y/N said as he and Ron took up their positions.


"Stupify!" Ron cast as Y/N stepped back and raised his arm.

"Protego!" Y/N cast as Ron continued to attack him, backing him up as he continued to defend, Y/N was internally smiling, until eventually he was hit when Ron cast Depulso on him, sending him flying backwards. Y/N stood up and saw Ron about to cast Expelliarmus on him, he rolled out of the way. "Expelliarmus!"

Ron's wand flew to Y/N's hand as he stood up and looked at him.

"Y/N has beaten Ronald Weasley. And Draco Malfoy has beaten Hermione Granger." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at Ron.

"Well fought." Y/N remarked as he handed Ron's wand back to him.

Y/N was against Pansy Parkinson.

"Ready to lose L/N?"

"I hope you are." Y/N said coldly as he looked Parkinson in the eye before taking his position, he was going to win and get to Malfoy, no matter who he had to fight, anyone who got in his way he would fight to get to the Malfoy's...

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