The Feast...

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Y/N and his friends were all sitting in town with the elves at the feast, all of them enjoying the food on offer.

"So, Y/N... how come Narcissa is here?" Bellatrix said as Y/N paused for a moment, thinking to himself how he was going to tell her.

"... It's... not a matter for the dinner table." Y/N said calmly as Bellatrix looked between Y/N and Narcissa, seeing her little sister glance to Y/N who was eating.

"Would you excuse me for a moment." Bellatrix said as she looked at Narcissa, standing up and leaving the room, Y/N paused for a moment before standing and following her, shortly followed by Narcissa.

"Bella, Bellatrix, wait."

"Piss off!" Bella snapped as Y/N sighed.


"My little sister. You won't even look at me when my tits are out, but you're getting hers out for her?!" Bellatrix said as Y/N looked at her.

"Woah, I won't look at you when you have them out because we're not together, it would just be wrong for me to go and cop a feel of them-"

"Oh, but my little sister is free reign-"

"That's not what it's like Bellatrix... Look, when this started between Me and Narcissa, I gave her a choice, and she chose to fuck me."

"Oh, so you just whore yourself out to any woman, let me guess, you and Parkinson have been snogging recently!" Bellatrix snapped as Y/N's face hardened, he stepped closer to Bellatrix who could feel his magic start radiating off of him.

"Careful Bellatrix... careful." Y/N said coldly as he looked at her.

Bellatrix went weak at the knees hearing his dominating tone.

"Bellatrix, I chose to be with Y/N. Lucius hasn't touched me since Draco was born, 18 years. An opportunity presented itself, Y/N and I took it, I fail to understand why you care?" Narcissa stated.

"I was going to tell you after the feast when it was just us..." Y/N said as Bellatrix looked hurt.

"All the years we spent together and you chose her..." Bellatrix said as Y/N looked confused.

"Oh my... Morgana's tits. Bellatrix do you-" Narcissa started

"YES! I've wanted Y/N for a time now. I just... I knew he'd be repulsed by me."

"What?!" Y/N asked in shock. "Repulsed? Why would I be repulsed?"

"You looked away every time I was naked-"

"Out of respect for your privacy, I didn't really think you'd like someone staring at your naked body." Y/N said as Bellatrix shook her head.

"Yes but, the age gap-" Bellatrix began.

"Ahem, Narcissa? I know the years have been kind to her but no offence intended here Mistress, but... she's not exactly 18 anymore." Y/N said, not noticing what he had just called Narcissa.

"Mistress?" Bellatrix asked as she looked at Y/N and then to Narcissa.

"Show her Y/N." Narcissa said as Y/N paused.


"Show her." Narcissa said more firmly, framing it as an order, causing the mark to kick in, Y/N revealed the branding to Bellatrix who looked at him, she looked fit to explode.

"YOU BRANDED HIM?!" Bellatrix's voice thundered as Y/N got between her and Narcissa.

"Bellatrix, it was the only way to save him." Narcissa explained as Bellatrix drew her wand but Y/N stood in front of her.

"Mistress Bellatrix, stop!" Y/N said as Bellatrix tried to curse Narcissa.

"Bellatrix, if I didn't one of the other houses would, maybe even the Parkinsons or magic forbid, Malfoy." Narcissa said as Bellatrix looked at her before another curse flew from her wand. "Don't make me draw my wand on you Sister."

"ENOUGH!" Y/N's voice boomed as both women felt the power radiating from Y/N's magic flaring up. He looked at Bellatrix. "I'm branded, and in my opinion serving you two is ten times better than either serving Malfoy or Parkinson, and it's certainly better than having my wand snapped at graduation and being banished from the country permanently with a bounty on my head. Mistress Narcissa did me a favour. Yes, I've fucked Mistress Narcissa on more than one occasion, and no Mistress Bellatrix, I wouldn't have been repulsed by you."

"What?" Bellatrix muttered to herself as she looked at him, wondering if he meant what she thought he meant. Y/N sighed.

"This is how I'm killed." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed Bellatrix and then moved onto Narcissa. Bellatrix looked shocked.

"But... Granger... Greengrass... Weasley..."

"Yes, I'm dating all of them at the same time as your sister." Y/N said as Bellatrix looked at him.

"So let me get this straight, do you also want me?"

"Bellatrix, we've fought together, bled together, been through the hell of Azkaban together. Everything we've done together, I've spent so long holding a candle for you it's burned itself through me, I hid it because I thought you'd just think I was some stupid horny teenager wanting to shag you because of your tits or something like that. The truth is I care about you... the same way I care about Narcissa... the same way I care about Hermione... the same way I care about Daphne... the same way I care about Astoria... and the same way I care about Ginny. I love them all... and I love you."

Bellatrix looked at Y/N before launching herself at him, kissing him with a passion that had started building the first time she noticed how handsome and amazing he was growing to be.

Y/N and the two Black sisters returned to the feast, with Y/N sitting between Hermione and Ginny, opposite Daphne who was between Narcissa and Astoria. He kissed the beautiful bookworm that he had grown to fall in love with over the past three years through their trials and tribulations, he then turned to Ginny and kissed her as well.

When the feast was done Y/N stood up and raised his goblet. Immediately everyone went silent out of respect for him.

"Friends... Romans... countrymen..." Y/N joked, earning a chuckle from most of the table, Hermione couldn't help but rub her thighs together as she bit her bottom lip hearing Y/N quoting a book. "I thank you for a wonderful night tonight, I'm certain we all appreciate the efforts of those who have helped to prepare the food today, and indeed the efforts of everyone who helps in this town. I just wanted to say how grateful I am to everyone here, and how much it means to have you all here tonight, sharing this... lovely food."

There was a long pause.

"I've never been very good at this... I just want you all to know... I've done a lot of things through my life... not all of them leave me feeling proud of myself... as I look around at the friends... the people who I hold closest in my life all gathered around I realised that if given a second chance... I wouldn't change a damn thing, even the things I'm not proud of, because if I didn't do those things... I might not get to be here with the people who I love. So thank you... Thank you all for being there for a stupid... naïve little boy who was fooled."

Hermione and Ginny hugged Y/N whole most of the table applauded before a house elf stood up and raised their goblet.

"To Master Y/N... the boy who saved us all... and the boy who helped build us a life when others would make us build their lives for them. He is the most noble of wizards... and indeed, the most courageous of them." The house elf said as everyone toasted, apart from Y/N who was shocked by them all toasting in his honour.

That night, when the feast was cleared away, with Y/N, Sirius, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Astoria, and Daphne all helping the house elves clean up, most people went to sleep, with Hermione, Daphne, Ginny, and Narcissa heading to bed and waiting for Y/N, while Astoria simply went to sleep. Y/N, Bellatrix, and Sirius were in the study, thinking of a way to obtain the goblet before Aurors arrested them...

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