Aftermath and Assignments...

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Y/N was running his hands under a tap and putting some ice cubes into a small bowl, he pressed his knuckles into the ice cubes and ran his free hand over his face, looking to Hermione who was drinking tea.

That was when Mrs Granger walked in to see Y/N.

"Dear lord, Y/N... what happened to you?" Emma asked as Y/N finished pressing his knuckles into the ice and looked at her.

"It's nothing Ma'am. Just had a disagreement with some people." 

"How many?"

"About seven, maybe more, I wasn't counting." Y/N said as he searched a cupboard.

"First-aid kit is on the top shelf, in the cupboard with the coffee cups." Emma said as Y/N opened the cupboard door and pulled out the first aid. he looked for a bandage and started wrapping his hand, the way he did so showed both Emma and Hermione that he was no stranger to having to do this sort of thing. "Hermione, why don't you go upstairs for a few minutes, Y/N and I need to talk."

Hermione looked to Y/N who nodded with a kind look, Hermione left as Y/N continued wrapping the bandage around his hand.

"So, is this the sort of thing you usually do? Get into fights and hurt your hand?" Emma asked in a somewhat disapproving tone.

"I had a good reason, it's not like I wanted to fight that many people at once." Y/N said as he finished with the bandage and put the first aid kit back in it's place. "These people from Hermione's old school were picking on her, from the fact it has happened before, that makes it bullying."

"As a result you take on that many people all by yourself?" Emma said as Y/N nodded, looking somewhat offended.

"Yeah, I taught them never to even think about picking on Hermione ever again." Y/N said as he looked at Emma.

"Y/N, you can't just go starting fights like that, especially when the odds aren't in your favour-"

"No disrespect Mrs Granger, but the odds were in my favour the whole time, and in all fairness, like you said, this is the sort of thing I usually do. You think something like that is new to me? I get that shit every day at home, sometimes worse. At least I can say this was for something worth fighting for."

"I know, and don't think I'm not grateful for you standing up for Hermione, it's just that she worries about you, before you got here she was worried about you, concerned that you were being mistreated at home. I don't want to see what happens to my daughter when her worries come to fruition. So please don't make me." Emma said as Y/N paused for a moment before looking at her.

They were interrupted by a knock coming at the door.

"I'll get it." Y/N said as Mrs Granger spoke up.

"Y/N... thank you, for protecting Hermione." Emma said as Y/N nodded.

He walked to the door and opened it to see Professor McGonagall standing there with a disheartened look on her face, next to her was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

"Good evening Y/N. I hope you're enjoying your holidays." McGonagall said as Y/N looked to Fudge.

"I was until now. What's he doing here?" Y/N asked bluntly as Fudge pushed past him with a scroll in his hand.

"Ah, Mrs Granger? I don't believe we've had the pleasure, I'm Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic." Fudge said as he walked into the kitchen. "Hello Hermione, revising already are you?"

"Yes Minister."

"Well, I'm pleased to see that the younger generation is enthusiastic about their education, mostly." Fudge said, turning and glaring at Y/N as he said that last part. "Well, I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have some urgent business with Y/N."

"Yes, you urgently need to leave before I make it my sole business to make you leave." Y/N remarked as he looked to Fudge.

"I have some new work for you to complete just before you go and get your Hogwarts supplies."

"I know, lets play a game, make a sentence out of the following words: Off, Fuck, and, up, shut."

"Y/N!" Mrs Granger said discerningly.

"Apologies Mrs Granger, but I refuse to do any more work for him, especially when he doesn't even pay me for it."

"I would say the trade you get is more than adequate."

"Funny, sounds like blackmail to me." Y/N said coldly.

"If you insist on not doing the work, I'm sure Ms Greengrass will be more than willing to do it, or maybe Miss Granger would be keen to do this work and further her career potential?" Fudge said as Y/N paused for a moment before drawing his wand and pointing it at Fudge.

"If you insist on not doing the work, I'm sure Ms Greengrass will be more than willing to do it, or maybe Miss Granger would be keen to do this work and further her career potential?" Fudge said as Y/N paused for a moment before drawing his wand a...

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"You even think about it, and I'll happily do time for an unforgivable curse." Y/N said coldly as he looked Fudge in the eyes.

"You wouldn't-"

"You task me with this work because you know I would." Y/N said as he looked at Fudge.

"You can either do this job, or I can easily re-arrange your current accommodation, or Greengrass' if need be, she still has a few crimes that we haven't looked at." Fudge said as he looked at Y/N who sighed, he knew Fudge had called his bluff, the risk of the Grangers or McGonagall being caught in the crossfire between him and the aurors was too high, and they both knew it. Y/N holstered his wand and walked up to Fudge, taking the scroll, unrolling it and reading it.





... LAST SUSPECTED SIGHTING: Little Hangleton...


Y/N sighed to himself as he looked to Fudge.

"How do you want him?" Y/N asked as Hermione and her mother grew confused at the question.

"You know the offer, bring them in dead and I pay you half of what you're owed, bring him in alive and you get all of your payment." Fudge said as Hermione and her mother grew concerned, wondering just what it was that Y/N would be getting himself into if there was a chance he might have to kill someone.

"Fine. But you'd better keep your end of this eal Cornelius, or the next person I'm hunting is you, and I won't be looking to take you alive." Y/N said as before Professor McGonagall approached and offered her arm.

"Come then Mr L/N, I shall take you to Little Hangleton." McGonagall said as Y/N nodded and linked arms with her, the pair of them vanishing in an instant...

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