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The Great Hall had been re-arranged back to it's original state, with students now eating their lunches together, Draco Malfoy was sitting next to Pansy Parkinson who looked at him with disgust.

"What are you doing here? Go and stop him!" Pansy remarked as Draco looked at her.

"Do me a favour Parkinson, either shut up, or fuck off, I don't need this right now." Draco answered as Pansy scoffed.

"Or what? You'd probably just sit here and sulk if he was fucking me wouldn't you." Pansy said as Draco scoffed.

"Don't flatter yourself, I wouldn't be sulking." Draco said with a smirk, Pansy slapped him across the face.

"Well maybe I might just go and pay a visit with a camera, bring you a few photos of him fucking me and your mother!" Pansy snapped as she stormed out of the great hall. As she stormed out of the great hall, Pansy passed Y/N walking into the hall with Narcissa following alongside him.

Harry started smirking alongside Hermione, Daphne, Ginny, and Astoria, the whole hall began to murmur among themselves as Y/N walked through the hall, Draco heard some of his classmates mumbling to one another in shock as they saw some of Narcissa's hair out of place, Y/N had lipstick on his neck, his hair was also tussled.

As Y/N sat down next to Hermione and Ginny, his head resting on Hermione's shoulders as she smiled and moved her hand up to his hair, running her hand through his hair while Ginny rested her head on Y/N's shoulders, with Y/N's hand running through her flaming locks of hair. Daphne was holding her little sister in a tight hug as Astoria smiled at her sisters embrace.

Y/N closed his eyes.

"Tired?" Y/N heard Narcissa remark from behind him, however it sounded distant as he closed his eyes, he could just tell she was smirking by her voice. That was when Hermione heard the gentlest snore.

"It would appear so." Hermione said with a smile as she caressed her hand through his hair.

"Ms Granger, I presume? Word around the school is you're one of the brightest witches of your age. Though I suspect you would have to be to gain the eye of such an extraordinary wizard." Narcissa said as she looked to Y/N. "When he wakes up, would you kindly tell him that I shall endeavour to teach my son the error of his ways, and undo the damage that my foolish husband has done to him."

Hermione looked at the Malfoy Matriarch for a moment before she nodded. Narcissa smiled at Y/N sleeping, she leaned down and kissed Y/N on the forehead, smiling at him before tucking one of his stray hairs behind his ears.

As Narcissa walked away she smiled back at Y/N and his friends, before approaching Draco.

"We will be having a long talk about the things that I have learned about you. A very long talk." Narcissa said before she left.

Later that day, Y/N and the girls were sitting in the library, with Y/N looking through all of the history books available and looking through them all for the Triwizard tournament, hoping to give them an idea of what to expect in the upcoming year...

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