The Sentence...

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Y/N was escorted to a room where he was to await Narcissa, magical handcuffs on his wrists as he looked around, The pink haired auror who had shown some sympathy towards him was guarding him, with the rest of the aurors waiting outside.

"It's funny." She said as she looked at Y/N.

"What is?" Y/N asked as he looked up at a grate in the ceiling, grabbing onto it and beginning to do pull ups on it.

"They said you're a murderer, you don't look like one." The woman said as Y/N smiled.

"I killed a man, only because he would have killed me, and he was a slaver." Y/N said as he looked at the girl. "If you had the choice to free 200 slaves, at the cost of one mans life, what would you have chosen?"

"To free the slaves." Tonks said as Y/N nodded.

"...What's your name?"


"Andromeda Tonks?"

"Her daughter." She said as Y/N nodded.

"Ah, Nymmie." Y/N said as he smiled. "You don't remember, but we met when I was about 3."

"2 years old, I remember. You tried to say my name but couldn't, when someone laughed at you, you cried, I nearly hexed them to high heaven for daring to make you cry." Tonks said as Y/N chuckled. "I hated the name anyway."

Y/N smiled.

"Well, Tonks, you've got something that half of these bastards don't." Y/N said as he looked at her.

"Which is?"

"A good heart." Y/N said as he saw the door open, Narcissa walked in with Lucius following behind her but she closed the door in his face.

"Ah, Y/N, I see my dear niece has been keeping you company." Narcissa said with a smile to Tonks.

"Yes, at least she's been pleasant company." Y/N said as Narcissa let out a low chuckle.

"Careful Tonks dear, he's a charmer." Narcissa said as she looked at Y/N with a smirk. "Y/N I'm certain that you know what your sentence entails, correct?"

"Yes. I must wear the mark of a servant of the house of Black, it compels me to follow any orders you give to me, stops me from betraying any oaths given to the house of Black, other such nonsense, and I'll be stripped of my magic and my wand snapped, when the mark is branded onto me I'll be compelled to call you and any other owners Master or Mistress."

"Normally, yes, though I dictate the rules of your servitude in that regard and I am letting you keep your magic and your wand, and I'll be using a different version of the mark that while you will still have to follow most orders, you won't be forced to carry out any orders that you are dead against, for example, I could order you to wash the dishes, and you would be compelled to do it by the mark. But if I was to order you to for example kill Granger or Potter, you would easily be able to refuse. I'm afraid I have no control over the mark actually being put on you, this is the best I can get." Narcissa said as Y/N nodded.

"So what now?" Y/N asked as Narcissa looked at him and drew her wand.

"I'll need you to offer up where you want the mark." Narcissa said as said as Y/N unbuttoned his shirt and rolled it down slightly, presenting his shoulder blades.

"Either one will do, let's just get this done with, just promise I don't have to call Draco or Lucius Master, I'd sooner be pegged by one of the girls than call those two master." Y/N said as Narcissa looked at him and smiled, seeing he was trying to lighten the mood.

"You needn't worry Y/N, they have no legal ownership of you and cannot order you around, they are not members of the house of Black." Narcissa said as she looked at him. "Are you ready?"

"Ready." Y/N said as Narcissa quietly muttered the spell as Y/N let out a small grunt of pain that turned into a yell of agony as he felt the house of Black family crest burning itself onto his body.

When it was over Y/N was panting as he felt the burn remain, smoke was coming from the area where the mark now was.

When it was over Y/N was panting as he felt the burn remain, smoke was coming from the area where the mark now was

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Y/N went to put his shirt back on but Narcissa stopped him.

"Don't, it will still be tender for a few days. Putting a shirt on will only make it irritable." Narcissa said as Y/N nodded before taking the shirt off and seeing there was blood on the back of it. "Now, Y/N, I suspect you're wondering about your life at school?"

"Yes Mis-Mistress." Y/N said as Narcissa looked at him and sighed before approaching him and giving him a comforting hug and a kiss on the forehead, surprising Tonks, though she could certainly see why women would be interested in Y/N. "I suspect you've got a job at Hogwarts, meaning that I'll be a stones throw away from you should you require my services." 

Narcissa nodded.

"That would be correct, there are also other details, but we can go over them on the way there. Speaking of which, we should get going. Come along."

"Yes mis-"

"From now on you only have to call me mistress in public." Narcissa said as Y/N nodded. He followed her to the carriage that would take them to Hogwarts, with the other families laughing at him as he walked past wearing the brand on his back, Y/N wanted nothing more than to kill the lot of them, but Narcissa held him back from that urge, reminding him that until they had a better plan to gain his freedom, this would be his best option. "There is one benefit to our situation, we have a quarters together, it could easily accommodate a few people stopping over from time to time for a get together."

"I don't catch your meaning. The Room of Requirement would give us what we needed wouldn't it?"

"Yes, but sometimes it pays to have a spare room, just in case, one day others might be using it and you'll find yourselves in need of somewhere to get together, in more ways than one." Narcissa said with a chuckle as Y/N smiled. "I intend on finding a way to free you Y/N. I promise."

"Thank you, Narcissa." Y/N said as she nodded to him gently...

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