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Today was Halloween, Y/N and the other Gryffindors had moved back into their dorms in the morning to get changed and cleaned up. Hermione and Harry were waiting for Y/N while Ron had gone down for breakfast.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Hermione called up the stairs to the boys dorm.

"I'm fine, just go to breakfast, I'm not too hungry."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, I'm fin, just not hungry." Y/N said as Hermione and Harry left, heading down to the great hall.

Y/N was on his bed, trying to hide his tears in case anyone saw, today was Halloween, the day he hated more than any other.

His heart felt cold, his soul, barely existent. It was days like today he wished he would just let the dementors feed on the memories, drain them from his so that he had no memory of everything he had lost. 

Harry and Hermione were in the Great Hall, but Hermione seemed distracted.

"He's still not come down yet." She said as she looked at the space that Y/N usually sat in next to her, now occupied by Ron who was stuffing his face.

"He'w pwofafwy we hown in a minufe." Ron spoke with his mouth full while Harry and Chang who was sitting next to Potter looked at the Weasley boy.

"Ronald, please don't talk with your mouth full." Hermione said, looking like she was going to be sick." She said as she looked around.

"Hermione, stop panicking, he's probably just gone to class early. He said that he wasn't hungry." Harry said as Hermione frowned.

"He'f wight Hemowne." Ron said as Hermione looked at him and put her hand under his chin, pushing his mouth shut.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, and close said mouth when you're eating!" Hermione said in her most authoritative tone which was usually reserved for when Y/N, Harry and Ron were being a hand full.

Harry gulped at the tone, looking at Ron.

"I'd listen if I were you mate." Harry said as Ron nodded meekly.

Hermione and Harry were sat in lesson, there was still no sign of Y/N, Hermione glanced at Daphne across the classroom who looked almost sad as she made her potion while Malfoy attempted to chat Greengrass up.

"He's not here is he?" Hermione whispered as Harry looked around.

"No." Harry said as he too was starting to grow concerned about his friend, something was off, Y/N was many things, but he was not the type to skip classes. Hermione felt her chest and found her time turner was still there, so he hadn't stolen it and used it for another lesson.

"Where could he be?" Hermione thought to herself when Snape spoke up.

"Quiet!" Snape sneered at Hermione and Harry who sighed and returned to their work.

Hermione and Harry left the potions class together.

"I'm just going to get some things from my trunk, see you in a minute." Harry said as he started heading towards the Gryffindor tower, entering the common room. "Defence against the Dark Arts next, I'll be needing my books for that and Transfiguration."

Harry climbed the stairs to the boys dorm when he heard something coming from inside. It sounded like sobbing. Harry entered to check who it was and see if he could help, as he entered the dorms he saw that the curtains on Y/N's bed were drawn shut. Harry approached and stopped right next to the curtains.

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