Dormitory Attack...

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That night, when everyone was in bed, Y/N was lying on his bed, resting his eyes and trying to imagine the view of a plain with wild abraxians on it, wild Thestrals, nifflers roaming through the grass, bowtruckles in the trees, and wild Hippogriffs, he imagined... freedom, he imagined himself riding a mount around, riding among the herds of creatures, enjoying the air and protecting them from poachers before returning to a home he would build, with domesticated animals, his own ranch.

Y/N was just getting the picture in his head when he was awoken by the sneakoscope they had bought Harry going haywire and Ron waking up panicking, Y/N shot up with his eyes open, he looked over to Ron and despite the darkness he could see perfectly, Sirius stood there with a kitchen knife, Y/N rushed over to fight off the attacker but they had already ran off. Y/N caught a glimpse of their shadow, he went rushing after Sirius but was stopped by the painting door closing. Y/N punched the brick wall in frustration before returning to Ron in the dorms and checking him to see if he was injured.

"You all right mate?" Y/N asked as Ron nodded.

"I'm all right, he didn't touch me." Ron answered as Y/N accepted the answer.

"Then he wasn't aiming for you." Y/N said as he looked at Ron who was confused. "If he wanted you dead, he would have at least nicked you with the knife. Everyone to the common room, Seamus, get a head count, check if anybody's missing."

"Excuse me, I'm prefect here, not you." Percy interrupted as Ron just let out a sigh.

"I'll make you a hat." Y/N said bluntly earning a snicker from Ron and most of the other boys, except for Harry.

"Excuse me-"

"All right, you're excused, now run along and bring Professor McGonagall." Y/N said as calmly as he could even though Perfect Percy was beginning to annoy him.


Y/N cut Percy off by drawing his wand and casting a curse at the boys feet.

"Go and get Professor McGonagall, or the next curse won't miss and it won't be forgivable." Y/N threatened coldly, making Percy jump and some of the Gryffindor boys look in pure shock at how quickly it had escalated.

Percy left to go and find McGonagall as the door to the Girls dorm opened as Hermione was one of the first out.

"What happened?" She asked as Y/N turned to her.

"It was Sirius Black, he went to attack Scabbers, Can you do a head count of the girls dorms for me please, make sure that no one is missing." Y/N said calmly, Ron was looking at Y/N, how his anger was always cold, he had yet to see Y/N yell. "When that's done take all of the girls down to the common room. The dorms are going to be getting searched most likely."

Hermione nodded and took the girls to the common room and done a headcount while Y/N gave Ron the clean bill of health.

"Everyone's here. How did he get past Sir Cadogan?" Seamus asked as the Gryffindor boys walked down to the common room.

"I don't know. He must have gotten the password somehow." Y/N said to himself as he watched Harry walk off and sit down at the back of the room near a window and next to the fire, he looked like he had a lot on his mind.

A few minutes later Ron explained everything to McGonagall.

"Why, that is preposterous, Weasley. How could Sirius Black possibly get through the portrait hole?" McGonagall asked.

"I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife." Ron exclaimed as Hermione was petting Crookshanks and Cat was perched on her shoulders giving a smug look to Y/N.

Study Group [Male Reader x Various/Harem]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang