Inter Year Duelling Championship

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Y/N woke up the next day with Hermione's head on his chest, her gentle breaths on him made him smile as he looked at her face. He watched as she stirred awake, looking up at him and smiling at him.

"Good morning." Hermione said with a smile.

"It is now." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed her.

"I'm going to get a shower. Before you say it, no. If we shower together I think we'd just end up going for another round and I'm still sore from last night." Hermione said with a cute smile.

"You know me so well." Y/N said as he kissed her, she stood up and walked away, looking back over her shoulder and smiling at seeing Y/N watching her arse as she walked away.

Y/N chuckled before standing up and going to the boys showers and getting washed and dressed. He stepped out of the shower wearing a brown button up vest, the very same as the one given to him by the elves he freed, only he had transfigured it to the colour brown, a white shirt, and black school pants, he put on his brown leather boots that he wore for duelling, he knew today was the day for them, for today was the champions stages of the duelling tournament. As he put his belt with his wand holster on Y/N saw Hermione and Ginny step out of the girls showers room in their muggle clothes, they both smiled at Y/N as he smiled back before holstering his wand.

"Well, we had best get down to the great hall for breakfast, we don't want you duelling on an empty stomach, besides, I don't know about you but I worked up and appetite last night." Hermione said with a wink as she passed Y/N.

Y/N gave a chuckle, following the girls out of the Gryffindor tower, as they stepped through the portrait door they were greeted by Daphne and Astoria, along with Narcissa.

"Well well, three generations of Slytherin princesses all waiting outside the Gryffindor tower and not with the intent to kill, this must be new." Y/N joked as he smiled, leaning in and kissing Daphne and Astoria before moving to one knee and kissing the back of Narcissa's hand.

"Good morning Y/N. I trust Miss Granger managed to speak to you?" Narcissa said with a sly grin at Hermione.

"Yes, Mis-"

"Just Narcissa or if you insist on formality, Lady Black." Narcissa reminded.

"Yes Lady Black." Y/N said before looking to Hermione. "Hermione helped me with my... issues."

"Well, I'm glad you did more than just have sex." Narcissa said before looking Y/N in the eyes. "I've had a word with Draco concerning his behaviour yesterday, I hope there will be no retaliation?"

"That's entirely dependant on him, Lady Black."

"Very well." Narcissa said with slightly narrowed eyes before walking away, stopping and turning to Y/N.

"Oh, by the way Y/N, your mark means you'll have to be present with me at the upcoming quidditch world cup, so you might want something formal to wear if you don't wish to offend Minister Fudge." Narcissa said as Y/N chuckled.

"I'll wear my finest tracksuit and trainers." Y/N joked as Narcissa smiled.

Y/N turned to look at Astoria who smiled at him before hugging him like he was her favourite teddy bear, Kilkey ("Kill - Key").

"Are you okay?" Astoria asked as Daphne looked at Y/N getting the cuddle off of Astoria. Y/N looked at her before smiling.

"Stori, I'm always okay when you're here to cheer me up. You don't ever have to worry about me, Daphne, Mione, Ginger ale, and Lady Black all have my back, and I've got you brightening the darkest of days." Y/N said as Astoria smiled before hugging him again. "Now, let's all get some food, I'm famished."

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