A Sirius Talk

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Y/N closed the door.

"Sit down." Y/N said as he shut the window to ensure no one could eavesdrop on the talk he was about to have.

"Y/N? What is it?"

"Harry, first of all I need you to know something, this is important, I've hidden something from you for years because I didn't want to get your hopes up only to end up with the Dursleys again." Y/N said as he looked at Harry whose brow furrowed with visible confusion.

"What is it?"

"Sirius Black is your Godfather, it's true, your parents were betrayed, but it wasn't Sirius. It was someone else, named Peter Pettigrew." Y/N said as he looked at Potter.

"Wait, I have a Godfather? I... I have family other than the Dursleys?"

"Yes, he's been Azkaban, and I didn't think he would escape, I've known since we met but obviously with him being in Azkaban I thought there would be no point raising your hopes of escaping the Dursleys only to watch them be smashed." Y/N said as Harry looked at him.

"How did you know?"

"Let's just say me, Bellatrix and Sirius Black have a... history." Y/N said as he looked at Harry. "I know you probably hate me for keeping this from you for so long Harry, and you're right to, I just..."

"No, I... I get it." Harry said with a smile as he looked at Y/N. "This history with Sirius, it doesn't end well between you both does it?"

"No, I have orders to bring him and Bellatrix in alive or dead. And I'm more than personally inclined to follow on those orders, if for no other reason than to keep you and everyone else alive." Y/N said as he thought about his friends for a moment. "I did speak with Professor McGonagall on a recent visit to the Hospital... she gave me these."

Harry looked at them.

"Adoption papers."

"They're meant for me but, I asked if she would be comfortable adopting someone more deserving of a family." Y/N said as he looked at Harry. "It's your choice, I just... I couldn't stand by and let the Dursleys continue."

"But you did anyway." Harry remarked as he looked away. "No mail, no visit, nothing?"

"I didn't have the choice, Harry. I... I didn't have a choice." Y/N said as he unlocked the door. "Look, Sirius and Bellatrix will be coming for you, but it won't be to kill you, when they do, I'll let you have a few moments but then I have to do what I must, or else Daphne, Astoria, Hermione, everyone I care about, they end up in trouble. I have about as much choice as a Steakhouse on good Friday."

As Y/N left, he sighed and walked down to see Hermione and Ginny reading the Daily Prophet.

"Anything true in there?" Y/N asked off handedly.

"The civil war in Spain is over Y/N!" Hermione said with a smile as Y/N smiled back. "The rebels won their freedom!"

"Wow." Y/N said as Hermione looked at him.

"Cristiano Jesus bravely led them to victory." Hermione remarked as Y/N scoffed.

"Rita Skeeter wrote that article then?" Y/N asked as Hermione looked at him.

"How do you know?" She inquired.

"A few signs in her writing." Y/N remarked dryly before looking over to Ginny who smiled at him, he smiled back briefly, earning a blush from Ginny who looked back down to her paper.

"Have you had your Hogsmeade form signed Y/N?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused.

"No, I've... I've had a bit of a busy summer." Y/N said as Hermione paused before speaking.

"Did you hear about Lockhart? He was found dead." Hermione said as Y/N went silent. "Didn't you say you spoke to him?"

"Yes, he was quite alive when I spoke to him." Y/N said as he hid his emphasis on the word 'spoke'. "Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke."

"I wish I could meet who did it, thank them for it." Hermione said as Y/N paused for a moment before deciding against admitting that he committed a murder, given he was currently surrounded by adults and other students.

"Let's just focus on a normal year." Y/N said as he looked at the wanted posters of Bellatrix and Sirius, realising at some point they were going to come for Harry, he decided that going to Hogwarts with Harry would be his best bet in terms of catching them, he would let them come to him...

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