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Y/N was with Hermione making out in a broom cupboard, while Daphne and Ginny were at Quidditch practice. Hermione had her back against the wall as Y/N kissed her on the lips before moving to her jaw and then down the side of her neck. She ran her hand through his hair before taking a slightly firm grip of his hair to pull him into a kiss, their lips locked with one another, Hermione smiled when she felt his hand moving up her thigh until the door opened and revealed Professor McGonagall, standing there with her lips pressed into a thin line but there was still evidence of something resembling a smirk.

"Miss Granger, Mr L/N, I must protest to this sort of behaviour. Especially where anyone could find you!" McGonagall scolded them as Y/N thought of a witty retort but decided he would be best if he kept it to himself. "Now, Miss Granger, I don't suppose you have some studying to be doing. Y/N, this arrived in my office with a letter ordering me to find you."

Y/N took the piece of paper presented to him and looked at it.

"It seems that I won't be available for some time." Y/N said as he looked at the paper, Hermione tried to look but Y/N moved it slightly out of her view.

"Y/N? What is it?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment before showing her the paper. "What? What does that mean?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Y/N before speaking.

"It means that Y/N will be facing a court for... certain aspects of his past." McGonagall said as she looked to Y/N. "The Parkinson, The Malfoy and The Black Families are all on said court, along with well... Them."


"The Ebenezer family." Y/N looked to Hermione and kissed her. "Hermione, please, you, Ginny, Daphne, Stori, all of you look after yourselves. Thank you for giving me this happiness."

As Y/N walked away Hermione looked to Professor McGonagall.

"What... what's going to happen to him?"

"You know of his past "Crime" I assume?" McGonagall said as Hermione nodded. "Well, this court is to evaluate Y/N's sentence. With the families on the council, there's a high chance he'll either face a squad of Aurors with his hands tied... or the veil."

"Death?!" Hermione exclaimed in shock.

"I am afraid so Miss Granger, Y/N would have to persuade them that he should still be kept alive." McGonagall said as Hermione looked like she'd just been slapped.

"But, I thought he had until he graduated from Hogwarts!"

"Yes, however, if a member of the court decides, they can convene this court once a decade. Y/N will have to give them a reason to keep him around, and with the families that are on the council, his chances are not favourable." McGonagall explained.

Hermione was in the Room of Requirement, sitting on the large four poster, he knees tucked into her chest with tears streaming down her face, the door opened to reveal Ginny and Daphne walking in, their broomsticks fell to the floor and they rushed over with Stori arriving.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Ginny asked as Daphne put her arms around the bushy haired Gryffindor, holding her close and doing her best to comfort her.

"Y/N... he's... he's been summoned to the "court"." Hermione said as Daphne's eyes had a look in them that would kill a basilisk.

"Parkinson! Wait til I get my hands around that prissy little two knut whore's throat!" Daphne yelled as she stood up, storming out of the room with her wand in hand.

Pansy Parkinson was in the Great hall eating her lunch when she looked to the door and saw the notorious Ice Queen walking towards her with a clear fury in her eyes.

"Greengrass, something I can hel-"


"Stand up!" Daphne commanded as Pansy was in shock, holding where she was hit, the handprint on her face showing on her skin.


"Do I have a speech impediment, or do you have a death wish?" Daphne asked coldly as Pansy watched her point her wand at her face.

Pansy stood up.

Daphne grabbed Pansy's arm and rolled her sleeve up, muttering a spell. Pansy felt a burning in her arm which caused her to fall to he knees, when she looked at her wrist she saw a tattoo where she had felt the burning. The tattoo was a dark ring. Pansy's eyes widened when she realised what it was.

"You'd best hope he lives, or so help me Morgana, I will make certain that mark is put to use and you're left on the same island as him with no food, no wand, and no magic." Daphne snarled into Pansy's ear before walking away swishing her wand slightly, Pansy's mark came to life feeling like a branding iron was put onto her arm, she screamed in pain and fell to the floor as Daphne left.

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