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174: Flying Phoenix

In the night, a light drizzle began to fall, and the wind picked up, carrying a chilling breeze with raindrops that fell into the vast wilderness.

The torches near the camp were extinguished by the wind, eliciting curses from the Wutuo soldiers. When stationed outside, clear weather was always preferable to rain. At this moment, their gazes towards the city became more ferocious and greedy. The people of Rundu could live in sheltered houses, and it was rumored that in Jinling, there were countless beautiful women. When they reached Shuojing, even better things awaited. The daily living standards of an ordinary concubine in the Shuojing Imperial Palace were better than the Wutuo ministers.

It wouldn't be long before Lord Huyate ordered a general attack, and the owners of this city would be theirs.

The Wutuo soldiers stared at the tightly closed city gates as if a dog eyeing a fat bacon, their eyes filled with greed.

At this moment, a rope descended. In the night, shadows swayed on the rope, and soon, many ropes appeared simultaneously, each carrying several figures.

A patrolling Wutuo soldier said, "Hurry, inform the general, those people from Rundu are sending strawmen down again!"

Lord Huyate was drinking in the camp. When he heard the news, he sneered, "They really think we're supplying them with feathered arrows every day. Tell the others, shoot a few arrows, and for those who shoot too many, treat it as a discount, don't give in to those soft bones of Great Wei!"

His subordinate left to relay the orders.

The ropes swayed slightly. He Lisa was among the first to descend from the city tower. She moved quickly, and in an instant, her feet touched the ground. Before she could steady herself, she heard the sound of arrows being shot from above. Her heart tightened; the Wutuo people were shooting arrows.

This was actually within her expectations. Before this, she had already ordered two rounds of strawmen to be sent down, but the vigilant Wutuo people occasionally shot a few arrows to test. These arrows might hit nothing, or they might hit some soldiers, but... there was no sound.

Apart from the sound of rain and wind, nothing else could be heard. As she had said, even if it hurt, they had to endure it. Only when they treated themselves as 'strawmen' would the Wutuo people believe that the ropes hanging from the city tower were tied to "strawmen."

A slight movement came from her side. People were descending on both sides. All five hundred elite soldiers would land on this piece of land. Time was of the essence.

Fortunately, the Wutuo people, aside from shooting a few arrows at the beginning, remained silent afterward. They probably didn't hear any sound, firmly believing that today, just like before, it was a trick by Li Kuang to "borrow arrows." After a quarter of an hour, all the men and horses had gathered.

Among the five hundred, only three were injured by Wutuo arrows, but fortunately, none of them were critical. He Lisa ordered these three to grab the ropes and return to the city, while the rest of the men joined her in infiltrating the Wutuo camp.

The night rain became the best cover; the rain curtain obscured everything, and all things in the world were shrouded in darkness.

Near the camp, soldiers patrolled with barely-lit torches. The Wutuo army was loose, probably thinking that this battle was sure to win, and they didn't believe that with Rundu's small army, they dared to launch a surprise attack. Even the patrolling soldiers weren't very vigilant.

The wilderness was vast, with no sheltering thickets, only small shrubs and rocks. The Wutuo people set up their camp quite conveniently; such a place couldn't hide anyone. But at the same time, in such a place, it was easy to find out where their food and supplies were located.

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