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On the second day, as expected, the distance for their running laps was reduced by half, and they completed it much earlier, even before it was time for lunch.

The training ground next to the Liangzhou Garrison was quite expansive, likely due to the vast open field at the base of the mountains, capable of accommodating everyone. As she surveyed the area, He lisa thought to herself that this was indeed an excellent place for training. At this moment, the scorching sun was directly overhead, and not a hint of breeze could be felt. The flags on the high platform were tightly affixed to their poles, much like the wilted new recruits standing beneath them.

"From today onwards, you will start practicing with weapons." Head Instructor Shen slammed his long spear heavily on the ground, startling everyone, and they looked at him with renewed focus.

"Do you see that open space over there?" Shen Han pointed to the north with his long spear.

Near the weapon racks, rows of crossbows and bows were placed, exuding a formidable aura as they stared back at them. About a hundred steps away from the crossbows, target boards were lined up neatly.

"From today onwards, you will begin learning how to use the crossbows!" Head Instructor Shen gave the order, and the days that followed were fully scheduled with training.

The recruits didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Wow! I love archery the most!" The happiest person was probably bambam. "Brother, it's our time to shine now!"

Sehun looked at the crossbows for a moment and shook his head. "No, they are lighter, and they aren't made of buffalo horns. I made them myself from bamboo."

"Similar but not the same," bambam said with a grin, suddenly coming up with an idea. He asked He lisa, "Brother Ah He, can we borrow these crossbows to go hunting rabbits in the mountains?"

He lisa said, "...Focus on your training, don't daydream."

The new recruits cheered, and the instructors looked pleased.

He lisa couldn't help but silently praise, realizing that Liang Ping was not just putting on a show; he was truly skilled. A person like him would be a good asset on the battlefield.

The young soldiers in the camp were all excited and eager to try. Some naturally had great strength, pulling the bows back with full force. Although their aim wasn't accurate, their arrows flew far. Some had some experience with bows and arrows before and looked more skilled. Others, however, had strength but lacked accuracy, their arrows flying crookedly, falling to the ground before reaching the target board.

Eventually, it was Hong mingyus's turn. His build was robust, and he managed to draw the bow fairly well, but his aim was off, and the arrow fell just at the edge of the target board. He didn't seem to mind and nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad, not bad."

Sehun and bambam followed closely. Sehun had a steadier grip and greater strength, and his arrow flew with a "whoosh," hitting the target board, though not in the center, it was quite close.

Liang Ping unexpectedly glanced at him and asked, "What's your name? Have you had experience with bows and arrows before?"

"No wonder," Liang Ping nodded in approval. He was pleased to have a promising recruit in his squad.

bambam stepped forward, "I'm Zhong bambam, his younger brother, and I'm a hunter too!"

"Oh?" Liang Ping was somewhat intrigued. "You want to give it a try?"

bambam imitated Sehun's posture and pulled the bow, but this time, he didn't display the impressive skills his older brother did. His arrow went awry and missed the target board entirely.

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