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111: The Next One

On the dueling platform, Wei Huan's Water Dragon Blade clashed with Wala's stone axe.

One was a young and simple Vanguard Camp recruit from the Central Plains, while the other was a battle-hardened veteran from the Western Qiang known for his cruelty. Although Wei Huan's blade skills were exceptional, he lacked practical combat experience. Furthermore, his opponent was a powerful strongman.

Compared to Wei Huan's agility, Wala's stone axe was massive and heavy, striking without any apparent pattern. The axe looked unwieldy, but with Wala's immense strength, when Wei Huan tried to evade, the axe struck the ground, causing cracks even in the stone floor.

Wei Huan's stamina was gradually running out.

He was, after all, younger and not as robust as Wala. Dodging Wala's relentless onslaught was taking its toll. Moreover, he couldn't even get close to his opponent due to the armor Wala wore.

It was an unfair fight from the beginning, and Wei Huan's injuries were multiplying. However, Wala didn't seem intent on killing him. Each time he could have landed a deadly blow, he held back slightly, avoiding vital areas but still inflicting numerous wounds on Wei Huan.

It was like a cat toying with a mouse, not immediately devouring it but playing with it until the mouse was exhausted.

This is simply a one-sided massacre.

Watching from below, Shen Han clenched his fists, making a grinding sound, ready to step in. However, he was blocked by Ridamuzi.

The robust man, with the appearance of a bald eagle, leaned on his horse, his smile bloodthirsty. "Instructor, you can't help."

Shen Han drew his sword.

"What? Do you want to fight me too?" Ridamuzi grinned, his gaze sinister. "I'd be happy to oblige, and I'll accompany you to the end."

Around the dueling platform, a group of Qiang soldiers, intentionally or not, had formed a circle. If the recruits from the Liangzhou Garrison tried to intervene, they would have to face these Qiang warriors, which would make them too late even if they managed to.

On the platform, Wei Huan's vision was gradually blurring, and his evasive movements were slowing down. His strength was rapidly waning, and he was panting heavily. He couldn't evade anymore, and when Wala raised his axe for another strike, Wei Huan's right leg was hit. It was an excruciating pain, but he managed to suppress any cries.

Wala walked up to him, and Wei Huan had no strength left to escape. Seeing Wala towering over him like an executioner looking at a lamb, Wala said, "Tsk, this is ending too quickly, not fun at all. People from the Central Plains are so weak, not even a match for a single finger of a Qiang."

Wei Huan remained silent, beads of sweat dripping heavily from his forehead, mixing with the blood on his face. It was a pitiful sight.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt," Wala licked his lips, his eyes greedy. "When this stone strikes, your brain will fly out, very pretty. Unfortunately, you won't get to see it."

With that, he swung the massive axe, aiming straight for Wei Huan's head!

"Wei Huan!" Ma Da Mei screamed, as Wei Huan was once under his command in the Vanguard Camp, and they had a deep bond. He wanted to rush forward to save him, but a Qiang warrior blocked him with a drawn blade. He watched helplessly as Wei Huan's life hung by a thread.

At this moment...

Behind the dueling platform, there was a flourishing banyan tree. Even in winter, it showed no signs of withering. Everyone was focused on the dueling platform, so they didn't notice when a person suddenly appeared in the banyan tree.

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