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When she was young, He lisa was not as clever as she is now. If she were to look back on her past self with her current perspective, she would find her former self quite dull and unremarkable.

Moreover, she used to wear a mask all the time, which made her stand out from the crowd in an odd way. Due to her secretive behavior, she avoided interacting with the other young boys to prevent exposing her true identity. As a result, she ended up being ostracized by the other students at Xianchang Academy.

Their rejection of her was straightforward. Initially, they simply avoided playing with her and didn't call her during kickball games. But over time, it escalated. The reason? Surprisingly, it was because she was too diligent.

"Studying diligently is like the growth of a young sprout in spring. It may not appear to be growing, but each day it makes progress. Look at He Rufei here. Learn from his dedication!"

All of them were fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys who loved to compete and show off. While they were willing to learn from others, why would they want to learn from He lisa? Study diligently and practice rigorously just to consistently be ranked last? That seemed like utter foolishness.

Yet, a few of the instructors seemed to take a special liking to He lisa.

The other boys' envy and disdain mixed together, making them dislike the masked boy even more. They found ways to trouble her.

Young He lisa was slow-witted and not skilled in comebacks. She couldn't complain to the instructors about these incidents, and the instructors were unaware of the students' secret actions. As a result, He lisa endured difficult days.

One winter day, when it was particularly cold, the boys were practicing swordsmanship in the academy. Someone had poured a basin of water onto the ground, which froze quickly. They urged He lisa from outside, "He Rufei, hurry up, hurry up, the instructor is calling for you!"

He lisa hurriedly rushed out, slipped on the ice, and fell hard.

He lisa remained seated for quite a while before finally standing up. She pressed her lips together, refraining from speaking. The clothes she brought this month were already all dirty. With the constant teasing and pranks, even if one were a deity, they wouldn't have enough clothes. The weather had been cloudy for a while, making it difficult to dry them in the sun.

She spent the entire day wearing damp clothes. At night, she got out of bed and didn't bother with sword practice. Instead, she sneaked into the academy's lecture hall.

Even clay statues have some resilience, not to mention she was the eldest young master of the He family. She had a bit of a temperament. Nevertheless, she knew how to assess the situation. The group of boys were tall and strong, far better at fighting than she was. What could she do? Endure it? Impossible.

How could she vent her frustration?

Fourteen-year-old He lisa pondered for a long while before coming up with a plan.

That night, it started snowing. She was still wearing her damp clothes when she braved the snow to the backyard's well and filled a bucket with water. Carrying the bucket, she made her way to the lecture hall.

He lisa poured the entire bucket of water onto the copybooks.

The water immediately soaked the pages, blurring the writing. He lisa breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of satisfaction. Yet, after the satisfaction faded, nervousness crept in.

She hastily put the copybooks back in their original places, clutching the empty bucket as she quickly left. It was her first time doing something like this, and she felt a bit uneasy. Moving in the dark without a light, she reached the entrance and, not noticing the doorstep, tripped and fell with a solid thud.

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