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170: Brothers

Having stayed in Liangzhou Garrison for so long, avoiding the sentinels was an easy task for He Lisa. She steered clear of every possible location where the sentinels might spot her. She slipped into the stable outside the training ground, and the horses stirred slightly. He Lisa calmed them down, and they gradually quieted.

The chestnut horse she had favored earlier was unusually calm. He Lisa stroked its neck, led it out of the stable, and walked along the outskirts of White Moon Mountain. When she reached a place near Five Deer River, several shadows suddenly appeared in front of her. He Lisa's heart skipped a beat, thinking she was discovered.

She could easily come up with countless reasons to deceive them. For example, she could say she couldn't sleep at night and came out to train. However, the crucial point was that her departure plan had to be put on hold. It might even raise suspicions, making it difficult for her to leave so easily in the future.

The figures on the other side, however, didn't move or call out to stop her. It seemed like they were waiting for her reaction. After a while, a low voice drifted over, "Why isn't he moving? Could he be scared stiff? I told you not to pretend to be a ghost; it's too scary!"

He Lisa: "..."

The voice belonged to San.

She took a few steps forward. By the starlight, she could clearly see San and his group—San, Hyun jin, Min hyuk, Sehun, Hong Mingyu, and Bambam.

"How did you guys get here?" He Lisa couldn't conceal her surprise.

"Ah He, you're really not considerate at all," Hong Mingyu patted her shoulder. "You plan to go to Rundu alone, and you didn't tell us anything? After all, we've been together in Liangzhou Garrison for so long as brothers. Couldn't you invite us to go together? We wouldn't refuse."

"Yeah," Bambam complained, "I also want to go to Rundu and eat grapes."

Sehun slapped him on the head with a palm, and Bambam immediately shut up.

"You... how did you know?" He Lisa was somewhat speechless.

"When you started inquiring about Rundu, Sehun became suspicious," Min hyuk said, looking at He Lisa. "You said before that Flying Phoenix General might not support Rundu. Although we don't know the basis for what you said, it seemed like you intended to go to Rundu by yourself. You, this kid, are not that old, but you've got quite a mind of your own. You never discuss anything with others before making a decision. Your courage is commendable. When Sehun guessed that you were planning to go to Rundu alone, he mentioned it to everyone. We all decided to accompany you. It's good to have each other's company on the way and look out for one another."

"No!" He Lisa rejected without thinking. "Rundu is currently surrounded by Wutuo people, and the city's forces are insufficient. It's too dangerous for you to go."

"You also know it's dangerous," Hong Mingyu sighed. "Going alone is like delivering yourself to death. If we go together, maybe we can all survive."

"No," He Lisa refused with some incredulity. "You guys don't even know what I'm going to do. Why are you following me?"

"We know," Bambam said. "Everyone says you want to save the people of Rundu."

"Do you believe that?" He Lisa asked.

"Why wouldn't we believe it?" Sehun said. "You have already saved many people, from Liangzhou Garrison to Jiyang City. Now you're just adding Rundu. You wouldn't do something without confidence. Since you want to go to Rundu, you must have a solution."

Rebirth of a star general |LK|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora