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Back then, when Xiao Jungkook led the Nanfu troops to Jingzhou, though the world knew that Second Young Master Xiao was adept in both literature and martial arts, he was still young and couldn't bear heavy responsibilities. Zhao Nuo, on the other hand, held the position of Jingzhou Governor. He was lascivious and greedy, lacking in talent. Upon Xiao Jungkook's arrival in Jingzhou, Zhao Nuo didn't regard him highly. He frequently belittled and ridiculed him, showing extreme disrespect. And that wasn't all. During the battle in Jingzhou, while Xiao Jungkook led his troops into battle, Zhao Nuo, in the rear, was more concerned with preserving his own life and made erroneous commands, causing delays in tactics and resulting in the unjust deaths of many soldiers. Seeing his audacious behavior, Xiao Jungkook had him bound and taken away.

"He is the Governor of Jingzhou, and his father is the Ministry of War'S Shangshu. Many people at court have connections with the Zhao family. If you offend him, your future prospects will be grim!" they warned.

However, Xiao Jungkook remained unfazed. He merely chuckled disdainfully and replied, "Even if the Shangshu acts so recklessly, even if he were to be promoted to Prime Minister, I will still carry out the execution without hesitation."

"In fact, the Zhao family has some distant connections and history with both the Xiao and Cheng families," Cheng jimin recalled. "That Zhao Nuo, theoretically speaking, should have had some kinship with us. At the time, my mother personally wrote to my uncle, asking him to show leniency and spare Zhao Nuo."

"But my uncle didn't listen," he smiled, with a hint of helplessness and a touch of pride.

"How could Commander Xiao be so fearless about provoking discord before His Majesty?" He lisa pondered. "Surely the Emperor would have harbored resentment."

"No wonder you're my eldest brother; you ask the same questions as me," Cheng jimin chuckled. "I also think that my uncle's actions were a bit rash."

The youth, engrossed in reading, responded with a wry smile. "He wouldn't dare."

The Emperor wouldn't dare, not the minister is not afraid.

Indeed, even though the powerful ministers at court filled the Emperor's ears with accusations and grievances against him, the Ministry of War Shangshu repeatedly submitted memorials pleading for retribution, these efforts ultimately amounted to nothing. This was because Xiao Jungkook led the Nanfu with unstoppable momentum, pushing the southern tribes to retreat in defeat.

However, while Emperor Wenxuan dared not punish Xiao Jungkook, it didn't mean that rumors and gossip weren't swirling through the streets of Shuojing City. Ministry of War Shangshu Zhao Tong and Xiao Jungkook were locked in enmity, and though others may not have known about Zhao Tong's covert instigation, many in the city began to view Xiao Jungkook unfavorably. Those who had once had good relations with the Xiao family also distanced themselves from Xiao Jungkook.

For one, he was cold and ruthless, issuing orders for the execution of his own relatives without mercy. Moreover, he was known for his arrogance, even daring to disregard the Emperor. Inevitably, he incurred the enmity of others, and no one knew when he might implicate his friends and family.

In contrast, interactions between the Cheng and Xiao families continued, albeit not as frequent. However, the preference had shifted. Compared to Xiao Jungkook, they favored interactions with Xiao Jungkook's elder brother, Xiao Jing.

"My mother warned me not to get too close to my little uncle," Cheng jimin remarked. "She said he disregarded family ties."

He lisa thought for a moment. "Commander Xiao isn't really like that."

"I know," Cheng jimin chuckled. "I've always known."

Moreover, after the incident of Zhao Nuo's execution in anger, Xiao Jungkook's reputation as the "Jade-Faced Commander, Youthful Killer General" spread widely. Others were even more hesitant to challenge him. While Zhao Tong's support played a role, Xiao Jungkook himself left behind plenty of fodder for rumors. For instance, when his parents were buried, he didn't shed a single tear, and he was busy petitioning for military power in the Golden Luang Palace. He left without observing the mourning period, leaving behind only his elder brother to clean up the mess.

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