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Rabbits cannot be hunted, and foxes cannot be hunted either. Birds, too, cannot be hunted.

White Moon Mountain's path was rugged, but the scenery was magnificent. Mist rose from the mountain streams, enveloping the area in a serene haze. Verdant hues encircled them, while wisps of cloud and mist lingered, shrouding the peaks. The landscape seemed like a realm of immortality.

The astute recruit had brought a few sheets of yellow paper and used charcoal to hastily sketch a few marks on them at various points to remember the route. They also made markings on trees at intervals to prevent getting lost on the descent.

They tethered their horses to trees and rested by a stream. After replenishing their energy with dried rations, they would be able to descend the mountain and return to the military camp before sunset.

The recruit who had greeted He lisa earlier was quite exhausted by the time they reached the summit. He eagerly took out his rations and began munching, grumbling, "We've finally made it to the top. I don't think I can walk any farther."

He lisa washed her hands in the stream and sat down next to a large rock, also taking out her rations.

The rations were dry and hard morning cakes. The recruit approached He lisa and handed her a small handful of pine nuts, saying, "Here."

"My mother packed them for me before I came to the Liangzhou Garrison. I didn't want to eat them all at once, so I saved some." He smiled and added generously, "Try them!"

He lisa picked up a pine nut from his palm, peeled it, and put it in her mouth. "Very fragrant."

"Right, right?" The young man seemed pleased. "I'm Shen Hong. I know you, He lisa, the impressive one from the drill grounds. Nobody can defeat you."

Shen Hong looked into the distance and sighed with regret. "It's a pity I didn't bring a bow. I didn't know you were coming with us. If I had known, I would've definitely brought one. With your archery skills, we could have hunted a few rabbits and had roasted rabbit."

Could Shen Hong and bambam be half-brothers? He lisa wondered casually as she asked, "What weapon did you bring?"

Shen Hong scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Me? I'm not good at archery, so bringing a bow wouldn't help. My skills with blades and spears are average. I figured I wouldn't be of much use, so I brought..." He pulled out a long stick from behind him. "This."

He lisa was rendered speechless.

He actually brought a stick, not even an iron-headed one, but a long stick shaved from bamboo. Are there such weapons on the weapons rack in the training ground? He lisa was quite skeptical. If Shen Hong intended to fight with just a stick, it seemed quite useless. Oh, unless there's a jujube tree around here, he could use the stick to knock down some jujubes.

Seemingly sensing He lisa's lack of words, Shen Hong hurriedly tried to justify himself. "Anyway, I won't be getting into any fights with people."

She and Shen Hong were on this side, while the other two were sitting a bit farther away. After finishing their meal, He lisa leaned against a tree to rest for a while. Shen Hong asked her cautiously, "Um, He lisa, can I borrow your blade?"

"What's the matter?"

"Do you see that?" Shen Hong pointed to a lush area near the stream, where long, slender leaves concealed an unknown type of plant. "My family runs an apothecary, and this is called 'book ribbon grass.' It resembles a Chinese leek but isn't. It's useful for refreshing the mind. I'd like to gather some to take back with us. Since we're often here, it might come in handy. However, book ribbon grass is quite tough and not easy to harvest. Those people either carried long blades or spears, so your small blade is more suitable."

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