Chapter 77

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I leaned over the toilet as I threw up for the hundredth time tonight. Once I was done, I flushed the toilet and sat down on the floor. Laying my head back on the cabinet, I held my legs to my chest. I don't know what happened, but suddenly, I started feeling extremely sick. I was already fighting a small tummy ache, but I just figured I had eaten something and needed it to pass.

After some time, I thought I was feeling better but when I tried to get up, I immediately had to throw up again. Bending over the toilet, I felt everything in my stomach come out. It started to hurt. "Janet! Baby, I have your, what's wrong?" I stopped throwing up and flushed the toilet. Denzel dropped whatever he was holding and came over to me. "Baby. Baby, what's wrong?"

"I don't feel good. My whole body is weak. I feel like I'm gonna...." I felt my stomach bubble again and threw up again. Denzel held my hair and rubbed my back. Once I was done, he wiped my face as I laid against the cabinet.

"That's it, we're going to the hospital."

"No. No hospital." I shook my head.

"Babe, you're fighting to keep your eyes open and your whole body is hot. I'm taking you."

"No. I'm not going." I sat up. "What's my surprise?"


"I've been waiting all week."

"We can do that later. Let's take care of you now." I groaned.

"Denzy, no."

"I don't care. You don't have a choice in this matter." He picked me up and carried me to the car.

"I hate you, you know."

"I love you too." I don't know how long it took, but eventually he pulled away from the house. I curled up in the seat as he drove.

"Owww...." I felt tears come to my eyes. "It hurts."

"I know, baby. I know." I felt the car stop and Denzel got out before coming around to pick me up.


"Hmmm?" My head started to pound and I felt my body get weaker.

"Den...." I felt my head go back as everything went black.


I sat next to Janet's hospital bed as she groaned in pain. "Baby, it hurts. Make it stop." She cried. It broke my heart, especially because I wasn't able to help her. "Denzy." She cried. I couldn't take it, so I took my shoes off and climbed into the bed with her. Turning her over, I pulled her into me and held her.

"It'll be okay, baby. I got you." I felt her body shake. I did everything I could to keep it together.

"Knock. Knock." I saw a doctor come in.

"Doctor, please say you know what's going on. You guys have been waiting for tests this whole time."

"I do." He let out a breath. "Ms. Jackson is pregnant."

"That's it?"

"No, based on all of our tests, she is also miscarrying."

"Awww, no." I felt my heart break. "So she's losing the baby?"

"Well, one of them." I got confused. By now some of Janet's pain had subsided.

"What does that mean?"

"According to the tests and scans, Ms. Jackson has what is called superfetation. It's when a second egg gets fertilized while there is already a pregnancy in progress." Janet looked up.

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